I’m bursting with excitement to share my latest update with you all because, there’s so many things happening within the background. However, they all have my students learning experience in common.

Firstly, I have changed the format of my monthly Reiki share to provide a focus and theme. Therefore, each time me and my students meet, a chosen topic will be discussed with the emphasis on furthering our Reiki development.
We begin 2024 with learning about ‘Reiju‘ and more importantly, my students receiving a spiritual blessing. Feel free to take a look at the timetable here.
Latest Update – Student Area
My next piece of news to share with you is the creation of my student area.
It is not uncommon for some Reiki students to struggle with continued learning following their attunement day. Factors such as, no one to practice on is a common problem. Similarly, no resources other than reading a course manual following attunement can be demotivating, especially if reading isn’t your learning style.
Yes, of course I offer a monthly Reiki share but what if a student cannot attend?
On attunement day, I would like to say that all of my students are full of inspiration and motivation to go forward with their journey of Reiki. However, a few weeks later or after their 21 day self-healing process, what next?
Hopefully, my student area is the answer, along with my themed Reiki shares. Each month, I will add more resources that will inspire and motivate. If you are an existing student and would like access, please contact me.
My Journey with Reiki
Just because I am a Reiki Master doesn’t mean that I have nothing new to learn. Far from it!
My latest update is that I’m on a new adventure of learning traditional Reiki, the Japanese way. Sometimes I feel that I’m never satisfied with being told how to do something. I want to know why!
I’m currently comparing Reiju with the western style of attunement hence, bringing my learnings to my students via the next Reiki share. This is an extremely fascinating topic and I am eagerly anticipating my next Reiki share, so that I can share my findings.
Reiju is a ‘spiritual blessing‘ and each time Mikao Usui met with his students, they would receive it. Attunement as we know it today didn’t exist back then. A spiritual blessing opens or widens ones energy channels to receive as much Reiki as they need. Our ultimate goal is to become ‘egoless‘ and therefore reconnect with source energy. This is achievable!
Below I share with you a beautiful description of Reiju that I hope you will enjoy.