My decision is made, and I am no longer using Meta’s services such as Instagram and Facebook to promote my business. Today, I will explain why I have made this decision and funnily enough, my daily tarot reading also has a message for me.
Leaving Instagram and Facebook
It hasn’t been easy to make this decision, and I have been thinking of doing it for easily a year. Fear was always preventing me from doing so believing that I will lose a lot of business. At the same time, I know that I hardly receive business these days from using Instagram and Facebook.
Well, no more conflicting thoughts for me!
You have made your bed, now it is time to lie in it!
New Speech Guidelines
Their new speech guidelines announced this week have finally swung it for me. I don’t like how they are singling out the LGBTQ+ community. Referring to someone as ‘mentally ill’ as an insult, is not allowed unless they are a member of the LGBTQ+ community.
It is ludicrous and here for your reference is a link to Sky News.
How immoral is this?
I always advocate that we should treat every person at ‘soul level’.
Therefore, this is the final straw for both me and Mark. As someone who assists people with their mental health for a living, using Meta’s services is no longer an option.
Additionally, their algorithm’s and fact checking services were causing issues for many, hence their latest changes on free speech. Furthermore, how many times have you seen someone’s business being affected due to fake accounts?
So, let us explore today’s daily Tarot cards in a bit more detail to explain the messsage and how I am feeling.
Tarot Reading Introduction
Every morning, I begin by grounding my energy with Reiki and asking for it to flow bringing guidance, protection, and healing energy. My question is always the same.
Please show me what I need to know about my self-development and what I should be grateful for.
Of course, I have a good idea of what I am feeling grateful for, but often the cards will reveal something I didn’t think about. Following the reveal of the cards, my journaling begins.
Past Influences and Success with The Sun
Using Instagram and Facebook in early 2020 was key in building mine and Mark’s business, especially during lockdown. I am very much grateful to Meta for this, and I enjoyed going live and building a community.
Together with my continuing self-development and hard work, business began flourishing and I became self-employed.
Practicing moon magic, Reiki as well as using crystals were key modalities and I enjoyed sharing my experiences with like minded people.
Present Situation and Feelings with the Nine of Swords
I really am not feeling anxious, and I am most certainly not keeping myself awake at night overthinking. However, Mark made a comment about not removing the Instagram accounts and I suddenly felt anxiety rising. I was intending to remove them fully in about a week’s time.
It soon subsided though because people do need to know where they can find us instead of just vanishing. I do wonder how long I will keep this pinned there. In regard to Facebook, I have removed those business pages without any regret.
Future Influences with the Queen of Swords
Well, she is the cardinal sign of Libra, which is my zodiac sign, and I need to embody her qualities. Also, I need a plan of action going forward on how to bring our customers up to date.
It has been such a chore for me to use Instagram and Facebook since March 2024. It didn’t help matters losing our physical shop in Liverpool and yes, the fear of losing more custom kept me on there. Upon reflection though, why will people invest in me if my energy isn’t 100%?
There is a lot for me to reflect upon so that I go in the right direction.
BlueSky Replaces Instagram and Facebook
I enjoyed my presence so much on Twitter in the early days of its growth. In fact, I was more successful with gaining followers on Twitter than on Instagram and Facebook. This is because my passion was evident. Admittedly, this was for my love of Gothic horror photography, which was created long before Gemstone, Tarot and Healing.
However, here is yet another lesson for me to take forward.
If Your Heart Isn’t In It
I used to dream of quitting my job and becoming a successful Gothic horror photographer. It was never going to happen because I didn’t believe in myself.
I always told myself that it would be a fairy tale come true if I got to visit all these wonderful, haunted locations and sell my emotive photography. Eventually, my dream burned out and so did I when I was finally diagnosed with ‘general anxiety disorder’. My creativity and passion also burned away.
It remained as a dream because this is what I wished for!
Learning moon magic and practicing Reiki has been instrumental in my spiritual growth.
What I learned about manifesting, I put into action and here I am, successfully running my own business. If your heart isn’t in it, you will have troubled succeeding, yet another reason to quit Instagram and Facebook.
Finally, I’m loving BlueSky, which is basically, Twitter in its early days, and there are lots of wonderful people on there. I’m feeling excited about my future growth and most certainly NOT feeling anxious.
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Feel free to reach out.
Performing daily shadow work and journaling is one of my keys to success. I am able to reflect easily upon my choices and take responsibility for my actions.
I’ve made my bed and now, I shall lie in it!
I will also reap my rewards.