In today’s journal, Reiki Master, Amanda, explores the Reiki principle, just for today, I will do my work honestly.

Just for today, I will do my work honestly.
When I first began my journey of Reiki, I didn’t understand the importance of Mikao Usui’s five Reiki principles. In fact, there was only one that I was instantly attached to, which was, just for today, I will not worry , due to my battle with managing anxiety.
Yes, in the beginning, I did fixate on this precept, but today, all precepts are equally understood and respected.
Thinking about it, perhaps it is a natural progression to work with those precepts that are resonating strongly with you.
The second precept I began fixating on was, just for today, I will do my work honestly.
I began resonating strongly with this when realising that my career of health and safety wasn’t for me. My work no longer gave me feelings of fulfilment and passion, and due to issues of burnout and indeed anxiety, I knew deep down that my career was over. More importantly, I knew it was making me ill.
Thankfully, my introduction to Reiki instilled in me a brighter future. I remember feeling brighter following my first attunement although admittedly, I never truly understood just how transformational it would be.
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My intuition was guiding me into a new career.
I began following my calling to assist people with managing their mental health so that they didn’t suffer like I had done.
Step by step, I was becoming my authentic self. As soon as I started this process, I began seeing opportunities, doors began opening, my calling was indeed becoming a reality.
Just for today, I will do my work honestly continued to repeat over, and over, and over
What will it take for me to do my work honestly today?
Being angry and saying ‘yes’ to those tasks that inside I was screaming ‘no’ were decreasing by the day. Positive feelings and good intentions were growing stronger and stronger.
The realisation of ‘fear’ controlling my thoughts and indeed actions was instrumental. As a result, challenging my fears, instead of worrying, and taking control, continues to take me forward.
As soon as I began experiencing the joys of doing my work honestly, my life began changing for the better.
The early days of working with this Reiki precept assisted me with a lifestyle change that continues bringing me joy and happiness. Subsequently, I feel worthy of experiencing such transformative joy.
The practice of Reiki, grounded in its core principles, paves the way for a meaningful reconnection with your authentic self. I am wonderfully grateful for embarking on my profound journey of self-rediscovery and healing. As a result, my inner light continues illuminating my path toward personal authenticity and inner peace.
Today, my relationship with this principle is so much more than associating it with ‘work’ as in a career sense.
Whatever work I do, if I am fully present and mindful, I enjoy it. This includes those mundane tasks like washing up. Now, I must admit, I don’t like washing up however, if I practice being mindful of my senses, put some music on, admire the feel of the water, and fragrance of washing up liquid, I enjoy the task.
Reconnecting with your true self through Reiki
I am no longer stuck inside my head in a world where I don’t want to be. I often refer to this as my ‘drama roundabout’. This is where I would constantly be ruminating, catastrophising, and amplifying to great effect all my worst-case scenarios. Imagine surrounding yourself daily with this gloom and doom and the effect it has on your well-being. Stuck in this cycle of negative thinking keeps you from being your authentic self.
Moreover, Mikao Usui knew the effects of creating dis-ease within ones body and that it begins in the mind. Therefore, I will not anger, or worry are the first two precepts for special reason.
Becoming mindful and feeling gratitude within your body helps you with becoming your true self. Feeling compassion and kindness assists you with reconnecting to your true self.
I like to refer to connecting with your true self as reconnecting with your soul.
Remember when you were free as a child with no inhibitions or knowledge of life. The happiness, joy and indeed wonder you experienced when going on adventures without any fear?
This for me is returning to my true self which is a process of shedding unwanted debris that I have collected over the years.
Once upon a time, it did dull my inner light, and I was most certainly not happy.
Thanks to Reiki and all five Reiki precepts, I now shine brightly from within and life continues getting better.