Practicing Joshin Kokyu Ho significantly assists my flow of Reiki to the point of feeling, ‘oneness‘.
How do you feel your flow of Reiki?
My daily practice of Reiki continues strengthening my connection with source energy. Subsequently, I feel the flow of Reiki within me to the point where I feel at one with the Universe. It’s such a magical and peaceful place to be and today, I will explain how you can also achieve this state.
Firstly, to feel the flow of Universal energy within you, you don’t need to practice Reiki. There are numerous other methods of connecting with the abundance of healing energy however, Reiki is my main practice.
What is Reiki?
Reiki is an ancient practice that emphasises the importance of personal spiritual development. Originating from Japan, this modality uses the universal life force energy to promote healing and well-being. Central to Reiki is the belief that everyone has the potential to connect with higher energy to foster spiritual growth.
What does the flow of Reiki feel like?
It is important to understand that our energy vibration is wonderfully unique. Therefore, what I feel isn’t to say that you will feel the same however, you will recognise the flow of Reiki within you the more you practice.
Within my artwork above, I have tried replicating the flow within me, but I am no artist.
Often, I feel the presence of a beautiful white light above my crown and instantly I know that I am receiving Reiki. Also, I have seen this light within my third eye because if I opened my eyes during meditation or Reiki, it wouldn’t be there. Moreover, I know it would never be there as I am not ready to experience that. Hmm, I don’t know where that thought came from just then.
Upon feeling that flow of Reiki filling my entire being, I feel tingles in the soles of my feet and in the palms of my hands. In addition, I also feel a warm glow circling my hands. Following this, I can only describe feeling a wave of letting go, flowing throughout my entire being. As a result, I am feeling complete oneness, which is truly peaceful.
Additionally, when sitting in this harmonising flow of energy, I begin losing my body. It is almost as if my physical body melts into the background while I enjoy being free.
This for me is understanding that my energy or spirit is light and will survive my physical body. I suppose, these thoughts warrant a new journal so, I will leave these here for a while. Without a doubt, the flow of Reiki enhances your spiritual development.
Discovering Oneness: The Practice of Joshin Kokyu Ho and the Flow of Reiki
Joshin Kokyu Ho is a specialised breathing technique that I teach beginners within my Reiki classes.
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This method focuses on harmonising the body and mind through conscious breathing, enabling practitioners to connect deeply with the universal energy.
The gentle, rhythmic breathing encourages the body to relax, allowing energy to flow freely. As you connect with this energy, you begin to feel an incredible sense of oneness—where the boundaries between you and the universal energy diminish. This profound connection can elevate your spiritual experience and deepen your understanding of self.
Practicing this technique fosters a sense of inner peace and balance. After a while, you too may feel the feelings of oneness that I described above. Subsequently, not only are you continuing your deep inner healing, your clients of Reiki are also benefitting.
The feeling of oneness that emerges is not just beneficial; it is a reminder that we are all part of the Universe.
Dive into this practice and let the essence of Reiki guide you toward harmony and peace.