Full moon magic is all about a young child who put their wish out to the Universe and it came true bringing them the happiness that they deserve.

Full Moon Magic
Full Moon Magic

Intention setting and wishes

First of all, I know this to be true as I taught my grandchild to set their intention during the New Moon. On a side note, please be patient with me as I try my best to refer to them, as non-gender.

The new moon is a time for setting your intentions, but I do have to state two things.

Firstly, you have to put your creative energy into the setting of your intention or wish. The time and energy you invest are a measure of how much you want it. Simply wishing for something will NOT get you far.

Secondly, it will only manifest if it’s for your highest good.

My grandchild and their wish

Ash is 12 years old and is trying to find themselves. In my era and when I was going through puberty, I often heard the following responses to my questions: –

  • get on with it
  • stop being so ridiculous
  • When you’re 18 years of age you can do what you want.

Thankfully, people are more aware of our and others’ emotional wellbeing, especially when it comes to children and the vulnerable.

Therefore, I like to teach and show Ash experiences that will enhance their well-being, and moon magic is a lovely choice.

New Moon Magic – Intention

Ash has a stepfamily that consists of three older brothers. Unfortunately, the family separated, and Ash longs to see them again.

I advised Ash that it’s a perfect wish and that if it’s for your highest good, it will come true. I did have to explain the concept of ‘higher good’ i.e., if it’s going to bring you healing without causing any harm to you or others, it will happen.

As part of my aMOONda workshop, where I teach you how to do moon magic, I ask students to complete a worksheet. This exercise is empowering and creative, therefore the magic starts as soon as you invest your time and energy.

Full Moon Magic

Ash completed her worksheet and put together their to-do list. They had to consider what steps they could take to make their wish become a reality. Their answer involved collaborating with their mother and expressing their feelings. It certainly worked because their wish or intention came through.

Just before this full moon, Ash met up with one of her brothers and it will be the first of many meet-ups. They have missed each other, and it was definitely for Ash’s higher good.

Funnily, I also realise now that it’s not just those two who are benefitting. Love is certainly all around us and I recognise why I’m feeling grateful!

Tonight, during the full moon, I will be expressing my gratitude to the moon.

aMOONda Workshop
aMOONda Moon Magic

If you would like to learn moon magic, please visit my aMOONda workshop. I specialise in one-to-one training.

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