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Amanda Norman

Who is Amanda Norman?

Amanda Norman
Amanda from Gemstone Tarot and Healing

I’m Amanda the joint owner of Gemstone, Tarot and Healing, which was at one point, nothing more than a dream.

Follow your heart

I’m talking about those dreams that you long for but at the same time you doubt yourself so much. Countless times you may have just brushed them off justifying it with some bull to make yourself feel better.

Unfortunately, we both know that you didn’t really feel any better for it.

It took sheer guts and determination for me to face my harshest critic and tell her that, ‘enough is enough!’ Add a few swear words and you will understand that my wake-up call was to myself!

I’ve learned that nobody else gives a damn!

A lot of it is simply in your head! You must challenge all fears to find out what is irrational. As I continually tell my clients, don’t allow irrational fear to hold you back in life.

My journey began by following my heart, my inner voice, my soul, whatever you want to call it. The voice of love is a good phrase to use. The other voice, the inner critic, is the total opposite to love.

I didn’t get to this position by simply wishing on a new moon. There is moon magic involved, but that came in 2020. My first step back in 2017, was to listen and heed my inner self. Due to my general anxiety disorder and depression, I received Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), which at first, I thought was a waste of time. I couldn’t be more wrong!

Don’t allow irrational fear to hold you back in life

Of course, this is easier said than done however, you must start somewhere. Once you challenge your first fear, the next one is easier to challenge and so forth. This is where your transformation begins. Each step powerfully taking you onwards and upwards. I’m grateful for CBT showing me this.

If you are not prepared to put in the hard work, putting yourself first, with LOVE, then unfortunately, you will continue struggling. Honestly, the day I decided to fall back in love with myself is the day my dreams started taking shape.

Five years later, I’m still going and no, I would be lying to you if I said life is easy.

Amanda Norman quits her career of health and safety

In 2020 I said goodbye to my health and safety career and became joint owner of Gemstone, Tarot and Healing. We opened the shop in April 2019, which was one of those gifts from the Universe. I had always dreamed of having a crystal shop and now it did indeed become a reality. In May 2021, I got my own unit next door and began offering Reiki and tarot card readings. Again, I visualised myself doing this as a career, but of course I put in the hard work to get here.

Amanda's future as of May 2024

Unfortunately, we lost our shop in March 2024. 90% of our income gone in a decision made by Liverpool City Council to close St. John’s Market.

I don’t blame them except it is impacting us and considering we were the only tenant who paid the rent, sometimes it doesn’t seem fair. However, in the same breath, I have never been happier with my life.

How unbelievably mad is this statement?

I’ve learned so many things during the past five years about manifestation

Begin by nurturing your soul with love as this is your very foundation. This is vital to your success because when times are tough, you need to believe that good times will come.

My self-care routine comprises of reflecting on those moments that make me feel good. I’m also reminded of how much I have changed since 2017 and how important it is to keep my faith. I know that by following my heart, life is wonderful.

Also, I know that right now I’m on a new path because our lives are one continual journey. It only ends at death, or does it?

I’m no longer the person who simply existed day by day. That feeling of surviving another day and not knowing my purpose. In fact, I never knew who I was.

Nowadays, I live life!

I follow my dreams and I know a lot more now about those things that even in my early years I thought of. Past Life Regression was something that always intrigued me, now I’m certified and helping people to discover their past lives. This alone is such a beautiful experience. Of course, all healing work is simply beautiful, especially when feeling unconditional love.

Today, I help my clients based on my training, but more on my experiences. I truly believe that my path was meant to be, hence being in a position to help others. All healing work if done honestly will lift souls.

I wonder what I will be writing in the next five years from now?

Everything I use for my therapies and teaching has personally been used to manifest my dreams and ultimately, my happiness. Therefore, I speak with passion and energy due to my own positive experiences and successes.

My passion is my work and my work is my passion.
Amanda Norman (Adv/Dip/Hyp)
Holistic Therapist

I am qualified to practice the following: –

  • NLP
  • EFT
  • Hypnotherapy
  • Reiki
  • Teaching
  • Life coaching
  • Crystal healing
  • Law of attraction
  • Moon magic
  • Mindfulness and Meditation
  • Indian Head Massage
  • Past Life Regression

Professional Membership

I’m a professional member of the following organisations and I abide by their code of practice.

UK Reiki Federation Member
UK Reiki Federation Member

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