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Natural Healing


For decades I’ve known that I was different, but it’s only in later life that I’ve learned why. My true vocation is natural healing and I also know that it stems from deep within my ancestral roots.

Amanda Norman and natural healing
Amanda and natural healing

Natural healing and what is it?

Natural healing is the art of using resources that are freely available such as meditation, mindfulness, and moon magic to name but a few.

I also love to use crystals with my natural healing due to their unique patterns and vibrational energy. If you’re wondering how we choose the correct crystal for our needs, please read choosing crystals. I’m always on hand to give advice if you’re purchasing crystals in our shop within St John’s Market in Liverpool.

I’ve been designing specially made gemstone healing bracelets since 2014. I intuitively know which crystals to use and I record my crystal recipes in a journal. During the creation of a bracelet, I use my Reiki to seal it with positive intentions. The process of creating a bracelet with me in person, setting your affirmation and watching how I seal it is a memorable experience. Visit my gemstone healing bracelets page for further information.

Crystals are a favourite addition to my Reiki treatments. I allow you to pick your crystals, after all, your higher self will know which ones you need.

I often connect to the energy of my crystals via meditation. Not only do I receive the healing energy of the crystal, I’m getting double the healing energy from meditating. If you would like to know more about this, please read meditating with crystals.

The Power of Healing

Everybody has the power of natural healing within themselves. It’s a natural instinct for a mother to soothe the pain for her child. Naturally, we soothe emotional pain with a loving embrace. Love and setting our intention is the natural energy that helps soothe the pain.

We should never underestimate the power of setting an intention.

When we think positively, we are raising our vibrational energy and it attracts positive energy. I could talk all day about Universal Laws such as attraction and vibration, but I shall leave that for another day.

Unfortunately, suffering from stress is something that affects us all at some point in our lives. We fill our minds, body, and soul with negative energy, and we ignore our true calling. We develop a fear of our positive spirit or intuition and we block our ability to naturally progress, and love life.

Psychic ability is a classic natural skill that we lose as we grow older, but deep in your heart, you wonder if you are psychic don’t you?

I have always known that I am and I can sense energy easily. I trust in my intuition and I have a strong faith in the universe. Without this, I wouldn’t have known that natural healing stems from deep within my ancestral roots.

How do you know natural healing stems from your ancestral roots?

I have gone through a spiritual awakening and it will never be complete. I fully believe that life is a continual journey of learning, with love and excitement. This is the path I tread.

They say that many of us have an awakening that stems from a life struggle. Mine stems from severe anxiety and bouts of minor depression that I’ve since learned to manage. We need anxiety to keep us safe, so you should never want to get rid of it altogether. Life is about balance!

Meditation is a practice of stilling our mind and journeying within. It’s here that the calling of my ancestors finally got through to me. It was beautiful and profound. I struggle to put it fully into words but one day I will.

Natural healers

I’ll never forget the words of my grandad who told me the following: –

One of your ancestor’s is a Pendle Hill witch named Old Chattox.

Amanda’s grandad

Whether this is true or not, I don’t know. It’s difficult to trace my family tree back, but I wish I could find out. The Pendle witches are not the witches you read about in fairy tales. I fully believe they were innocent and that they were in the wrong place at the wrong time.

There have always been natural healers who use the gifts of mother nature to heal. Herbs, plants, universal energy, crystals, sound and lots more are a natural healers tools along with intention.

When I’m meditating, sometimes I see an old lady with leaves and branches obscuring her face. She’s in the woods foraging and I know that she’s a healer. She’s also one of my guides, or is she me from a past life?

Amanda Norman

Your Author

Amanda is a certified Reiki Master, trainer and life coach with a strong passion for her holistic work.

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