I can with Septarian is my experience of using a crystal to aid me in manifesting a certain goal.

Initially, I was hesitant in applying for a role within a new company. I remember thinking that I will be extremely lucky if I get this job as the salary was more than double mine. However, my intuition was screaming out for me to go for it. All I needed to do was to put my fear of failure to one side. I called on Septarian to boost my confidence and build my inner strength. Septarian well and truly delivered this and a whole lot more!

I got the job!

I can with Septarian
I can with Septarian

When I first got into gemstone healing, I relied heavily on books to provide me with the healing properties of crystals. It wasn’t until I started delving deeper into meditation, chakras, and colour therapy, that I began trusting my intuition. This is where my spiritual journey truly began.

I learned about energy and vibrations, and I started to rely on my intuition to choose the crystal that was right for me.

Septarian with its striking patterns and bold colours caught my eye when we visited our wholesaler. I advised Mark to buy some for our shop that can be found in St John’s Market, Liverpool city centre. Of course I had to have my very own piece.

Fear of failing

Although I knew that I should allow my intuition to guide me, it is something that is easier said than done.

Looking back, I remember strongly feeling excited at seeing this job vacancy in the city where I lived. If I got it, I could walk to work instead of being stuck in traffic five days a week. Feelings of fulfillment could be mine again, however, my lack of confidence was growing.

My fear of failure was leading me to thinking that this opportunity was too good to be true. This was one of many excuses that I was conjuring up to turn me off applying for it. I cannot fail if I don’t apply! Something however, kept me looking at the job specification and I knew that I could do it standing on my head. My intuition was screaming at me to apply for it!

Spiritual journey of healing

My spiritual journey of healing begins with learning the importance of being mindful. You have to be present to see the many wonderful things around you. Indeed, when manifesting your goals, you have to be mindful of when opportunities arise and how you’re feeling.

What is your intuition telling you?

Why are you feeling afraid to follow it?

Until you challenge it and gain control over your feelings, nothing will happen. However, the moment you do take control, doors start opening. Life becomes a lot easier and more fulfilling. You attract more opportunities into your life. I took the plunge resulting in me applying for the role. At the end of the day, I had nothing to lose.

After submitting my CV and getting through to a group stage interview, I needed a crystal to provide me with courage, confidence and good luck.

Again, my anxiety was rising. I don’t think a year had passed since my diagnosis of general anxiety disorder. Through my Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) sessions, I had learned the art of de-catastrophising.

What IS the worst thing that WILL happen?’, is a question I ask often.

Following the group stage interview, instead of reveling in the fact that I achieved something amazing, I was allowing my self-doubt to rise. It’s hard to break a habit of negative thinking, however, one mustn’t give up. Honestly, the more you challenge your thinking, the better you become at it.

It was at this stage I decided that I needed a crystal to put me at ease.

I can with Septarian

I scanned my many crystals and I was drawn to the yellow ones as this is the colour of your Solar Plexus chakra.

If you’re Solar Plexus chakra is balanced, you will not suffer with stress and your mental wellbeing will be in good health. You will have control of your mind and emotions, and you will have good inner strength.

I remember thinking clearly, I can with Septarian as I picked it up and felt how smooth and warm it was. Instantly, I was reassuringly calm and collected. This was my chosen crystal to help me manifest my dream job and I set myself a powerful affirmation.

I can with Septarian!

My self-confidence began growing by the day resulting in a phone call to attend the stage two interview. OH MY GOSH!

Feelings of excitement and magic were making me feel dizzy. I was feeling empowered and I was marveling at the beauty of crystals and their energy.

Stage two involved me presenting my vision to the directors of what I will achieve in my first 90 days. I knew instantly that I can do this! Of course I had my trusty Septarian in my pocket during my talk.

Break your Negative Cycle

Since I started my personal journey with Reiki, meditation and mindfulness, and crystal healing, my positive attitude to life is that I CAN!

I’ve tell many people to stop being negative and instead of saying I can’t, say I can!

For every negative thought, replace it with a positive thought and break the negative cycle that you have grown accustomed to. Believe and tell yourself every day that I CAN and watch your life change.

08/08/19 – I GOT THE JOB! 🙂

I can with Septarian

Golden colours are considered to bring good fortune. The can also assist with helping you to focus on your goals.

The brown Earthy tones were comforting me and providing me with courage and stability. It was these rivers of grounding energy that gave me the drive to move forward. There are also hints of orange, which is good for self-esteem and being creative with challenges.

Trusting my intuition and believing in my abilities is what got me the role. Yes, perhaps there was to some extent some luck involved. However, I cannot deny how strong my confidence grew with Septarian in my pocket. Attaching a powerful affirmation to it also assisted me. Read about this crystal on Mindat.

Finally, if you don’t push that first door open, how can you expect to move forward?

Take control of your fear by challenging it. What is the worst thing that WILL happen?

28th January 2023 Update

Although I took the job, it wasn’t for me.

I made one of my biggest decisions to date, which was to go self-employed with Gemstone, Tarot and Healing. Myself and Mark now have two units in the market, a house with a garden and so much more. Learning moon magic was instrumental in helping me to further my goals and create a business. I haven’t looked back and I still have Septarian by my side.

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