Just for today, I will not anger is one of the five Reiki precepts that should be adopted, especially if you practice Reiki. Fear not though if you don’t practice Reiki. You can still learn how to manage anger, from reading my latest journal.

Today, I shall take you on a journey of what this one precept, means for me and how I use it. Coincidentally, it doesn’t matter how the five Reiki precepts are written as they all mean the same thing. This is because Japenese isn’t a language that translates easily into English.

During your Reiki Degree One attunement, you are taught all five of these Reiki precepts.

Five Reiki Precepts

The Five Reiki Precepts

Firstly, it is fundamental to your practice that you fully live these values. Understanding the effect of doing so improves your flow of Reiki and as a result, your journey of deep inner healing grows significantly.

Just for today

Most importantly, ‘just for today‘ is a strong reminder of the importance of living life in the here and now.

When we are present, there is no worry or anger. As a result, we experience peace and calm. Take for example, being creative with something you enjoy. Creating art work is a good example because, as you are working, you are using your senses of sight, smell and touch. When fully immersing yourself into a project, you are practicing the art of mindfulness. Being mindful of your senses does bring peace and calm as it rests your conscious mind. This subsequently improves your mental and emotional wellbeing instead of amplifying anger or worry. No wonder going for a walk can clear your mind!

I will not anger

Before I was attuned to Reiki, anger was very much present in my life. Unfortunately, it wouldn’t take much to spark it as I was like a highly coiled spring waiting to erupt.

I always remember my Reiki Master telling me and other students that once attuned, we will experience more anger if we don’t control it. As a result, this was enough to make me think however, not enough to stop me getting angry.

Recognising your anger rising

When I think back now to being angry, I feel that rise within me that can easily erupt like a volcano that subsequently, causes chaos and destruction. Thankfully, I’ve done a lot of self-healing to combat my anger. Most importantly, exploring and understanding each of the five Reiki precepts is responsible for my healing.

Even to this day, I cannot stop myself from becoming angry.

Yesterday, I was on the receiving end of an explosive conversation that sparked my anger. Moreover, in the heat of the moment, I did try calmly to get my point across but this only made matters worse. As a result, I reminded myself that now isn’t the time to try and talk and therefore, I shut down. Thinking about it, I will admit to hanging up the phone call without saying goodbye, out of frustration and hurt! Do I think that this was the right thing to do? Well, it stopped the anger from escalating so at least, I have time to reflect on what is actually happening.

Just for today, I will be kind to every living thing, including myself

In the heat of the explosion mentioned above, I also thought of the pain and frustration that my loved one is suffering. Therefore, this Reiki precept about being kind, comes into effect. Instantly, I felt love and compassion that now gives me time to navigate the situation at hand.

It’s important that we feel these emotions as a form of healing. Not doing so, only suppresses the negative energy surrounding them. Consequently, we can end up repeating similar situations as our unruly emotions take control and inform our life making decisions.

I will not anger
Just for today, I will not anger

How to stop being angry?

Just for today, I will not anger.

Firslty, repeating your five Reiki precepts daily, helps you to be more concious of your emotions.

Understanding the consequences of CHOOSING to be angry is my second recommendation.

Think back to the last time you allowed anger to consume you. What happened and more importantly how did it end or, did it indeed end?

Undoubtedly, there are moments when we realise that our actions or inability to think, make matters worse. How many times have you wished that you could take back your words? Well, we cannot change the past but we can learn from it. So, take a moment to reflect on those times whereby you know you should have acted differently.

Thirdly, knowing what you know now, what action can you take instead of allowing anger to rise?

Take that breath

If you catch that anger rising, stop and take a long slow breath in through your nose, and slowly exhale. Blow out any anger and remind yourself that today, I will not anger. Also, know that you are in fact healing if you are able to do this.

Chanting these five precepts of Reiki daily and reflecting on them in your current situation, allows you to recognise when you’re angry. As a result, you can choose not to be angry. Additionally, re-examining these precepts on a regular basis and especially pre your next attunement, shows how you are healing within.

It’s not that easy!

I will be honest and agree with you however that managing anger isn’t easy. Without doubt, I can fundamentally tell you that I am not as angry as I used to be. In addition, I most certainly don’t carry anger with me for days if not weeks, months, years. There are admittedly, days when I erupt, but I catch myself and remove myself from whatever is causing me to feel angry. Furthermore, I reflect as a method of learning more about myself so that I can prevent it from happening again.

We are all on our different paths of deep inner healing and your anger could be deeply rooted. You may not even know why your anger arises. Thankfully, Reiki has its way of gently healing any such trauma in ways that we will probably never understand.

Summarising just for today, I will not anger

Anger is ultimately destructive and obviously you don’t feel good when choosing to anger.

Thankfully, for now, my situation with my loved one has quietened with each of us telling the other of our love however, the underlying roots are still there. Sometimes, we need time out to examine the truth of a situation without unruly emotions making things worse.

Finally, without Reiki in my life, I most certainly wouldn’t have been able to write this journal. Additionally, I wouldn’t be as happy as I am now in life as more than likely, I would have pushed away those who love me as a form of protection. I now see this in my loved one and therefore, I recognise the need for patience, love and support.

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