It was in September 2019 that I announced obtaining my Reiki Master and Teacher degree certificate. Today, a lot has changed, hence the update on this original post.

Reiki Master in Liverpool

As a Reiki Master in Liverpool, I’m now fully setup to deliver Reiki training at all levels. Further information about learning Reiki can be found here at Learn Reiki, which is my new website dedicated to teaching Reiki.

But what is it that I’ve learned since becoming a Reiki Master?

Reiki Master in Liverpool

Firstly, I would not claim to be a master of Reiki. I’m still learning more about Reiki each and every day, and I’m loving it!

Basically, as a teacher of Reiki, I provide you with the tools to go ahead and practice. Learning comes from doing, just like when you take your driving test. You are given a pass to more or less state that you’re safe enough to learn to drive on your own now. The more driving you do, the more you learn. It’s the same with learning Reiki and obtaining your Reiki attunement for each degree.

So, what is it that I’ve learned since becoming a Reiki Master?

Reiki and unconditional love

Well, I am going to find this hard to put into words but I will give it a go.

One day, and this was not straight away after becoming a Reiki Master, I felt what I can only describe as pure, unconditional love.

I was providing Reiki to a regular client and I hadn’t done anything differently. I still had the same positive mindset that all practitioner’s should have when performing Reiki. However, this day was truly enlightening. It was as if the space around me became light and for a moment, an abundance of peace. I was truly in the present moment and I felt safe, supported and loved. It was immensely compelling and it was the same love as you have for your child. Something inside of me had switched on to unconditional love.

Now, of course I’ve felt it before especially being a mother and grandmother. Sometimes though, as with most things in life, we take such feelings for granted. Since I switched on, it has taken my Reiki to another level.

The lesson I learned here as a Reiki Master is that when you believe you’re truly present, are you?

Practicing Mindfulness
Practicing Mindfulness

Reiki and my psychic abilities

My journey of enhancing my psychic abilities started with my Reiki. It’s a well-known benefit following your Reiki 2 attunement that your psychic abilities will grow stronger.

Being guided by my intuition is undoubtedly an area that I’ve excelled in. Not only does it help me in sensing energy blockages for my client, it enhances my ability to figure out the cause. Additionally, it’s not just Reiki that is improved, it’s my tarot reading, my manifesting, it’s ALL areas of my life. I’m a lot more attuned to myself and the Universe.

A true Reiki Master

I didn’t want to setup teaching Reiki as soon I obtained my certificate. It’s funny how I’ve just talked about my intuition skills growing stronger. I always knew to hold off until I got more practice and experience, which has ultimately paid off.

Experience and practice at all levels is invaluable and my students benefit from my learning experiences.

It’s important to me that they also perform well as I want them to experience what I have.

Sharing this beautiful gift of Reiki brings peace, love and light. I am a proud mentor to each and everyone of my students, and my advice, and knowledge doesn’t stop following their attunement. I like to see them grow as a person, healing all the time and helping others.

Below you will find my original post dated 3rd of September 2019. I’ve come along way since then, and I have more to come.

I’m pleased to announce that I’ve obtained my Reiki Master and Teacher degree from Reiki Master, Pauline Mahoney who runs the Reiki Academy here in Liverpool.

Reiki Training in Liverpool

As I already have my Level 3 Award in Education and Training, it won’t be long until I put together a Reiki Level 1, Reiki Level 2 and Reiki Master/Teacher degree course, but I’m not going to rush with this. I want to ensure that my students get the very best from me. If you’re interested in being trained, please get in touch and let me know.

Reiki Treatments

I perform Reiki treatments at the Gemstone and Tarot shop, Unit 34, St John’s Market, L1 1LR, which is located within St John’s Shopping Centre in Liverpool.

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