This year’s Mental Health Awareness Week theme is loneliness and therefore I would like to share my experience.

Mental Health Awareness Week Loneliness
Mental Health Awareness Week Loneliness

One in four adults feel lonely some or all of the time. There’s no single cause and there’s no one solution. After all, we’re all different! But, the longer we feel lonely, the more we are at risk of mental health problems. Some people are also at higher risk of feeling lonely than others.


Coincidentally though, as this week draws to a close, it’s also my first anniversary of Gemstone Healing. Things can get better and here’s my story.

The 13th of May 2021 is the day that I officially opened my unit next door to Gemstone and Tarot. It’s here that my dreams manifested into reality, and I will never look back. I faced my biggest critic, myself and in doing so, I faced my fear and ended my loneliness!

Loneliness and me

In 2017, I found myself increasingly unhappy and upon reflection, I was no doubt suffering from depression as well as crippling anxiety.

Although I had Mark, my family, and supportive friends around me, I remember feeling lonely and isolated. I found it hard to open up and tell people exactly how I felt.

Of course, I incorrectly assumed that no one would understand me. Furthermore, if I did open up, I feared that I would be seen as weak or even a failure. Also, I was well aware of how my mood swings and irrational behaviour was affecting my relationships, both at work and at home. I often felt it was easier to suffer alone.

Unfortunately, when you’re stuck in a rut like this, sometimes it feels that your hole is getting bigger and deeper, and you’re relentless scrambling to climb out simply lowers your self-worth.

Why has the phrase, ‘down the rabbit hole’ just come to my mind?

One of the biggest lessons I learned was to FACE MY FEAR AND TALK!

Amanda Norman

Looking back, I wish that I had been more open with my fears instead of worrying about what people would think of me. Instead, I chose to tell little white lies to avoid situations that caused me to feel dread, which resulted in my feelings of loneliness. I could have prevented myself from being on the verge of exhaustion, or even a mental breakdown.

Find people that get you!

In truth, each day became a day of survival, a day of simply existing. I couldn’t see anything positive ahead.

Fast forward to the present day and I’m so happy and in control of my life. I’m running my own business and I continue to follow my heart’s calling. I ‘m here to help people with their mental health because I understand. #IveBeenThere

One of my routes out of the ‘rabbit hole’ was attending Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). It was here that I learned that I wasn’t alone with these feelings of anxiety and paranoia. This was a turning point for me that helped me to express my feelings.

Try to do things that stimulate your mind

These two points are featured along with many more on the Mental Health Foundation website. I’ve featured them here as they did help me.

Firstly, I began making my crystal healing bracelets again which provided me with a peace of mind. This is because I was ‘in the present moment’ and not on the drama roundabout in my head. You can learn more about mindfulness and the advantages of being creative here.

Secondly, I went on an evening course with my daughter at the local college to learn about meditation and mindfulness. Again, I found other people who understood me, and funnily enough, our relationship strengthened in so many ways.

In summary, loneliness isn’t just a person living on their own. It can be anyone in any situation. I’m sure you’re aware now of how some of us are very good at ‘putting on a brave face‘? I hid a lot of my feelings!

The phrase ‘it’s good to talk’ is a perfect way to end this post. Please talk.

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