The Balsamic Moon is a three day phase prior to a new moon. In brief, it’s a time for reflection, surrender and healing. All three aspects are positive contributions to maintaining our emotional wellbeing when practiced.

Balsamic Moon
Balsamic Moon and reflection

Since finding moon magic, my life has transformed for the better. I’m a lot more positive and I can handle situations when they’re not going well. At one time, this wasn’t the case, but I’ve come along way since I began practicing moon magic.

Reflection with the Balsamic Moon

One of my methods of practicing reflection is to use my tarot cards to perform some shadow work. They help me to think about where I’m currently at. The questions that I ask myself are: –

  • What has gone well for me and why?
  • Of those aspects that caused me pain or upset, what have I learned?
  • Have I faced my issues and is there anything that I need to release?
  • What aspects of my dreams are still valid and what if anything do I need to improve?

Please visit my tarot reading page if you would like me to provide you with a beautiful reading.

Toxic Positivity

Life isn’t always good, and life isn’t always easy. We should never expect it be either, because to do so is unrealistic.

When we talk about manifesting our dreams and dreaming big, is it realistic to believe that we will get whatever we desire?

I practice the law of attraction and manifestation in line with the lunar phase, but I keep it real.

Small steps and realistic ideals are important, and you must be able to put together an action plan that you can physically work on. Use SMART objectives to achieve your dreams and practice gratitude daily so that you can recognise your successes.

On the other hand, if you believe whole heartedly that you don’t have to put any effort in to achieving your dreams, that all you must do is believe and feel, you’re setting yourself up to fail.
If this were the case, so many of us would have won the lottery by now, me included.

It’s important that we face up to our failures or situations that have caused us pain, and that we learn from them. Feel the pain and know that by doing so, you’re not only healing, but you’re also improving your chances of future success.

We are only human and it’s 100% natural that we sit with our emotions without feeling any sense of guilt or negativity. Our emotions are messages from our subconscious that we shouldn’t ignore. Ignoring them will grow into bigger problems. Facing them will allow us to grow.

Anyone who tells you that you HAVE TO BE POSITIVE ALL OF THE TIME, have got it wrong.

Surrendering with the Balsamic Moon

What you’re reading now is a guide for achieving a positive mental attitude to life. Being positive is accepting our mistakes and feeling our pain. It’s a journey of continual learning and growth.

Practicing moon magic allows me to adopt a realistic and positive mental attitude. It also provides me with a wealth of good feelings such as excitement and a sense of achievement. During this phase, I also like to meditate as it provides my answers as well as a form of relaxation.

Surrendering is an important concept to consider at this point of the lunar phase. If you do your shadow work and meditation, you will have a good idea of the negative behaviours, dreams, issues or indeed, people who no longer serve you at this time.

Of course, it’s also a time to fully surrender what you want to achieve to the Universe. You are preparing for the beginning of a new phase.

Work through those situations that aren’t working for you. By recognising them, you are on the first step to successfully dealing with it. It’s when we avoid taking action that the problem spirals out of control.


Finally, I am in the process of healing my body, mind, and soul by adopting these practices. My mind is in wind down mode because I’m attuned with the moon’s energy as she disappears, ready for her new phase.

The new moon signals the beginning of a new cycle that also tells us how temporary situations can be. There is always something new to look forward to on the horizon.

Of, relating to, or resembling balsam.
Containing or yielding balsam.
Restorative; curative.

Definition of BALSAMIC courtesy from The Free Dictionary

If you would like to practice moon magic with me, please get in touch or visit my Amoonda page.

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