In my latest journal, I will provide you with a personal insight of how I use the energy of the Balsamic moon and tarot to achieve self healing. I’ve also discovered how I’m holding myself back due to feelings of imposter syndrome.

Balsamic Moon and Tarot
Balsamic Moon and Tarot

Balsamic Moon Healing

Each lunar phase consists of 29.5 days, and you can use it to significantly improve your life.

Understanding the moon’s energy and when to use it, can bring you a wealth of happiness. Learning and practicing moon magic is one of the best things I’ve done in my life. If you would like me to mentor you with moon magic, please get in touch.

Below is my Balsamic Moon tarot spread that helps me achieve my goals and desires. For further information about my tarot readings, please click here.

The deck that I’ve used today is the special edition of The Murder of Crow’s, which is my favourite deck of all.

By the way, did you know that I have a crystal and healing shop in Liverpool city centre? For further information, please visit Gemstone and Tarot in Liverpool.

Balsamic Moon Tarot Spread

What have I learned during this lunar phase?

Nine of Cups in the Murder of Crows
Nine of Cups – Fulfilment

I’ve certainly learned that I have more self-therapy to perform so that I can free myself from my fears. However, I am glad that the nine of cups confirms that I am on the right track.

Ego is always there lurking in the background ready to take control. Through adopting a daily self-care routine, I’m developing a healthy relationship with it or him. Sometimes I think it’s male, but I’m guessing it’s more of a masculine energy. Anyway, I digress.

Being observant of my thought patterns and challenging myself is better than avoiding key issues. Of course, I need to be in the right frame of mind to take on my fears. Furthermore, I need to be able to spot the signs of when I need to act. It was only yesterday that I was objectively reassessing my self-belief system and I discovered how far I’ve come over the last 12 months.

In summary, it’s not always easy, but it’s a necessary path I tread to reach my emotional bliss.

What are my dreams?
Oh, well I wasn’t expecting The Fool to turn up here. Hmmmm?????

Could it be that I’m ready to take risks as I will not allow my fear to hold me back?

This is what shadow work with the tarot is all about. I’m now challenged to look deep within to assess if my dreams are foolish or if I need a sense of adventure.

Firstly, I’ve been suffering a mental block when I think of how I can take my Gemstone Healing business forward. The answer that came from assessing my self-beliefs was that I need to be willing to take risks. Before anyone says, ‘you’re only figuring this out now?’ it’s not easy to do when you’ve suffered a major setback with anxiety.

Secondly, in relation to my dreams, I don’t right now have a vision other than making a successful income. I’m about 10 weeks into having my own little shop and I’m using this time to learn more about me. My gut instinct or intuition tells me that I’m holding myself back. Therefore, I need to re-evaluate my dreams ready for the new moon and setting new intentions. The main message here is to take the risk, but don’t be a fool.

Surrendering what no longer serves me

The Tower OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!

Normally I’d be like, ‘oh no I have The Tower,’ but I know that this is my self-belief system needing an overhaul. I need to be rid of these limiting self-beliefs because they simply do not serve me. Sometimes I tie myself up in knots and feel overwhelmed, but why?

Imposter syndrome.

The persistent inability to believe that one’s success is deserved or has been legitimately achieved as a result of one’s own efforts or skills. “people suffering from impostor syndrome may be at increased risk of anxiety

Healing and the Six of Wands

Finally, my healing card is the Six of Wands, which describes my predicament so perfectly well.

I’ve concluded that I’m suffering big time from imposter syndrome, and this is something that plagues me often.

Why do I think that I’m not good enough to help others, and to run my own business?

Reality is that I’ve proven to myself that I am more than capable of doing this. We all are, but it’s how we think.

Thinking negatively will unfortunately hold me back, but I realise that it’s far easier to stick to what is known as it provides me with a sense of safety.

This isn’t good, because like the Fool suggests, I need to step out with no illusion and be free to expand. Is the payoff of sticking with limiting self-beliefs worth me feeling safe? HELL NO! I need to be free of this feeling of imposter syndrome once and for all.

Now that I’ve figured out what’s going on in my head, I’m free to set my intention and affirmation for the new moon in a couple of days time.

I feel so much better now!

AFFIRMATION: I’ve got this!
I can do this!
I’ve done it before!
I will not be controlled by my fear for I am free!

My chosen crystal for my intentions is my I CAN DO IT crystal, Septarian.

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