Category: Meditation & Mindfulness

  • Mindfulness in the environment

    Practicing mindfulness in the environment is the latest post in my A to Z of meditation and mindfulness. In all honesty, I was at a loss for choosing something beginning with ‘e’. In this post, I’m going to discuss ways that you can practice mindfulness outside in our wonderful environment. To begin with though, I… Read more

    Mindfulness in the environment
  • Decatastrophising

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    Decatastrophising is a technique that I was taught as part of my Cognitive Behavioural Therapy to help treat my anxiety. In cognitive therapy, decatastrophizing or decatastrophization is a cognitive restructuring technique to treat cognitive distortions, such as magnification and catastrophizing, commonly seen in psychological disorders like anxiety[1] and psychosis.[2] Wikipedia When I was suffering badly… Read more

  • Creative Mindfulness

    Creative mindfulness is a practice to adopt if you’re struggling with your mental, or emotional wellbeing. Being creative is a great form of stress relief and improving your well-being. In some cases creative mindfulness, is also an opportunity for you to practice being mindful of your senses. How much attention do you pay to actually… Read more

    Creative Mindfulness
  • Breathe in Mindfulness

    Breathe in mindfulness takes a look at how we can use our breath to practice mindfulness. Learning these tips will improve your health and wellbeing. Focusing your attention on your breathing is the easiest exercise to perform when developing more mindfulness in your daily life. Doing it regularly will help you deal with difficult situations… Read more

    Breathe in Mindfulness
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