Choosing crystals is a fascinating topic to explore. Do you choose a crystal or does the crystal to choose you?

Choosing crystals
Choosing crystals

How do I pick the right crystal?

To pick the right crystal gemstone, choose the one that you are drawn to and trust your instinct. It really is as simple as that!

But how do you know if you picked the right crystal?

To answer this question, you need to understand the following: –

  • Energy and vibrating frequencies
  • Aura’s subtle bodies
  • Like attracts Like

Energy and choosing crystals

A lot of energy is contained within crystals because of how they are formed. They can form over a thousand years, encapsulating the energy within. Fire, ice, and compression are just three qualities that form crystals. They also include minerals and oxygen.

Crystal gemstones are said to carry the very imprint of the creation of the Universe and anything that contains energy will vibrate with frequencies. Therefore, gemstones and humans vibrate with frequencies.

Aura’s subtle bodies

Aura's subtle bodies
Aura’s subtle bodies

The aura of which we all have, is a human energy field and is unique to each individual.

Have you ever wondered why you instantly like or dislike someone?

Our aura contains four subtle bodies, one of them being the ‘emotional body‘. This subtle body is responsible for our emotions and feelings and it’s where we feel most clearly from others.

If someone has a similar vibrating frequency, you could take an instant like to this person and feel like you’ve always known them. Similarly, a vastly different frequency and it can feel like a person is invading your space and is too close for comfort.

Like attracts like

This is where the like attracts like‘ comes into effect.

When choosing a crystal gemstone and you feel a strong pull to a particular one, go with your gut instinct. The vibrating frequencies of your energy and that of the crystal are very similar, and you will need it for a reason.

Stress and trauma can upset your aura and cause a shadow or blockage that affects the flow of energy. Crystal gemstones can be used to heal your aura.

Crystals resonate with your aura and inner being that is the essence of you, your mind, body, and spirit, hence trusting your gut instinct. The crystal will also resonate with those parts of you that are not in harmony.

If you sense bad feelings from a crystal, this maybe a sign to still go ahead and choose it. Maybe it’s needed to heal those parts of you that are not in harmony.

When choosing crystals, how do I know if I got it right?

To find out if you selected the correct crystal gemstone, focus and meditate on it. Record your findings in your crystal journal. To help you, I’ve created meditating with crystals.

Note how you felt when you choosing the crystal and how you felt when holding it. The beauty of writing your findings in a journal is that you can look through it for the crystal that helped you previously. Remember though, a crystal that worked for you, may not work for someone else. It depends on your vibrating frequencies.

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