Today I write about the Ten of Cups and weakness. It’s such a beautiful card to have in a tarot reading however, it’s in a position that highlights my weakness.

The ten of cups concerns your feelings of emotional bliss and contentment.
When this arrives in a reading, it talks about feeling sated and arriving with oneself. The beauty of life and love is all around when we feel the energy of the ten of cups, but what if it’s highlighted as a weakness?
Firstly, before I show you how I broke this down, I must tell you that I find it extremely challenging to read my own tarot. Therefore, I must go back to basics and think hard about the questions that I’m asking myself.
The urge to divert my path as I start to delve into my subconscious is extraordinarily strong. I for one don’t like anything that’s shrouded in mystery, especially if it hints at feeling emotional pain. My mind works best if everything is black and white, but alas that cannot be. On the plus side though, how can we grow if we don’t face challenges?
With a pen and journal, I write out my questions that rise when thinking about my weakness.
Does the Ten of Cups in this position mean that I: –
- Never believe in happy ever after
- Do I always fear the worst?
- Am I too consumed with the chase of happiness that I don’t recognise when it’s arrived?
Even now, I’m marvelling at the questions that arose from deep within me as they do sum up my weaknesses.
Why do I fear happiness?
To date, my recent life journey that began following my anxiety in 2017 has got better and better. I have learned so much and I have bettered myself. I’ve quit my career and become self-employed, which I’ve seen blossom in the first 6 months.
I’m currently living in a wonderful house, which may be temporary, but I’M LIVING MY DREAM!
The Ten of CUPS is my weakness because I fear losing it all. In this fear, I don’t feel or recognise just how happy I am. I AM HAPPY!
It’s funny really, because I’ve also realised how my ego tries to tell me that it’s wrong to proclaim that I’m happy. As I constantly tell my clients, you must face your fears to unlock your full potential. I AM HAPPY!
Ten of Cups
My photograph above shows three ten of cups cards from different decks, all of which are available to purchase at Gemstone and Tarot. I enjoy seeing other artists interpretations of this card.
Tarot V Ten of Cups
Here he stands outside of his mansion. He’s reached the top of his game and feels sated. He has comfort and security.
Think of Dracula in his castle where he indulges in his pleasures. He has the pickings of his peasants from the nearby villages, and he always retreats to his safe abode before sunrise.
Mystic Monday’s
Use your intuition is the phrase printed on the box of this deck.
This card makes me think of the circles of life and how everything comes together at some point. As the cups represent your feelings, you must be in control of your emotions to feel sated.
Unfortunately, I do have a tough time connecting with the imagery in Mystic Monday’s. However, I do find the companion book to be one of the best tarot books I’ve read that’s included with a deck.
The Wanderer’s Tarot
The witchy vibe of Wanderer’s Tarot has got me 100% hooked. I’m loving it!
This ten of cups card shows the phases of the moon from new moon to full moon. Life is about cycles of phases and without them and their challenges, we wouldn’t grow.
The moon governs our emotions and we can feel her energy getting stronger as she nears her peak and doesn’t she look stunning when full and bright?
Our shadows are illuminated when she’s at her brightest and we have no fears. For some of us, our energy is vibrant, strong and positive. However, for others the energy can be too strong. Where do you think the word Lunatic came from?
Check out my Tarot Journal for more insight into tarot cards.