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Balsamic Moon Reflections


Join me now as I reflect on my month of moon magic with the energy of the Balsamic moon.

Balsamic Moon
Balsamic Moon and reflection

Balsamic Moon Reflection

The Balsamic Moon occurs three days before a new moon. It’s during this phase that we take time to reflect on our highs and lows. One thing for sure is that I’ve certainly dealt with some difficult challenges but more importantly, I feel positive and enlightened.

Reflecting on the highs

I started the beginning of this month with the intention of growing my Reiki business. Oh my gosh, so much has happened that powers my excitement.

Now that I have a new home with my own Reiki room that I’m very much grateful for, I now have the opportunity to offer Reiki attunement, and hypnotherapy. Since I set my intention and took the required steps to put it all in motion, I’ve achieved the following: –

  • Advanced master diploma in clinical hypnosis

Since this achievement, my meditation has taken on a whole new level. I’m still blown away by what I achieved during this morning’s meditation, but this in itself deserves a post of its own.

Balsamic moon and releasing fear

Funnily enough, I allowed my fear of failure to hold me back from doing attunements. I procrastinated a lot, but I finally committed myself and followed through with it. Since then, enquiries for attunements are flowing. I also host a monthly Reiki share with my Reiki Master who puts my name forward for Reiki one attunements. This side of my business has certainly taken off and my future is exciting. Yes, of course I’m very much grateful for all who support me and my Reiki.

You will never know success if you allow your fear of failure to imprison you. See and feel yourself achieving your goals and JUST DO IT!

Amanda Norman

I’ve also enjoyed creating and successfully delivering the first of my Crystal Spa Reiki treatments that incorporate Reiki, hypnotherapy and crystal healing.

With the hypnotherapy, I’ve performed past life regression several times which is exciting in itself. I’m also using the relaxation scripts with my standard Reiki treatments to ensure full relaxation. I’m loving it and so are my clients!

This leads me to tell you exactly how grateful I am for your continued support. I sometimes can talk for England when I meet customers, especially if we share a passion for crystals.

Each of you, help me to grow and heal myself. I’m so grateful that you come to see me and invest your money, time, and energy in my services.

Thank you!

What have been the low points?

Well, I’m allowing my anxiety to rise up with the move to our new house. I fear something will go wrong and even though I tell myself it’s irrational, I’m struggling to keep it at bay.

It’s a challenge that I must face and I will keep going. The positive aspect of my fear is that I’m aware of what I’m doing. I can switch it off and go and meditate or perform self-reiki to put things back into perspective. In fact, as I write this now, it’s suddenly dawned on me where my anxiety is rising from.

Surrendering anxiety

I’ve already discovered these past few months how memories of my childhood and being without a home has sparked my anxiety. I thought I had dealt with this, but as I reflect now, I’m having flashbacks to my childhood. Read about it here.

It’s the upheaval and complete mess that’s setting me off. It looks like someone has come in and ransacked the place.

My flashback is standing at the front door as it opens and seeing glass and broken furniture everywhere. Fear was racing through me as I didn’t want him to be there.

This followed a night of absolute HELL on Earth. I’m feeling the fear and pain now as I remember him torturing my mother with his fists and burning her legs with cigarettes. My German Shepherd dog tried to defend us, but that didn’t end well for him. The last I saw of him he had been thrown over the back of the couch and lay there whimpering. I wasn’t allowed to get up and see him.

This was just one of many nights, but somehow we escaped once more to be rescued by the police.

I don’t know if the police had taken my mother back for our belongings or who was escorting us. I was about 10 or 11yrs old and I can’t remember much. Luckily I believe that my dog was rescued by the police to be trained by them.

Once more, we found ourselves living in a refuge and it’s clear now that I did a good job of suppressing these feelings. The upheaval and mess are triggering my anxiety. I originally thought it was just the move and waiting for confirmation that we can own the house. How wrong was I?

Healing and the Balsamic Moon

Getting to the root of an issue is like peeling the layers of an onion. Hopefully, I’m there now, if not, I’m one step closer.

So, this is the healing aspect of the Balsamic moon in full swing with me now and I feel awakened.

I choose to be free of this anxiety!

These feelings are rising as a form of release. Recognising them and facing them is a necessary part of healing. This time, however, I am in control and I have nothing to fear. I love my life right now!

Anyway, it’s thanks to me practicing moon magic that helps me transform and build my dreams.

Practicing Moon Magic with Amanda

If you would like one to one mentoring with moon magic, please get in touch or come and see me in person to discuss. You will find me most days at Gemstone and Tarot in Liverpool, St John’s Market.

Amanda Norman

Your Author

Amanda is a certified Reiki Master, trainer and life coach with a strong passion for her holistic work.

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