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Manifesting Your Dreams and Having Faith


You need faith to begin manifesting your dreams because without it, chances are you will fail. In addition, you should also be practicing gratitude on a daily basis. Without a doubt, if you are not feeling it, you will not create it!

You need faith to begin manifesting your dreams
Faith and manifesting your dreams

To begin with, I am writing this from my experience of creating and bringing to life, my own dreams.

Recently, during a meditating session, I received some profound wisdom that I wish to share with you.

You need faith to begin manifesting your dreams.

Amanda Norman

When wishing to manifest your dreams, simply putting a wish out there is not enough! However, taking steps towards receiving it will be necessary, but probably not in the way that you are thinking. Let me try and explain myself.

Back in 2020, my goals for manifesting my dreams were as follows:

  • Become a successful, self-employed life coach
  • Own a house with a beautiful garden, therapy room and workshop for Mark

Owning a house with a beautiful garden was more of a wish. Myself and Mark were certainly not in a position to even begin bringing that concept to a reality however, I never stopped thinking about it. Moreover, I would look at my picture of my ideal house, situated in Heysham Village and smile. Of course I placed it in a prominent position where I would be seeing it every day. But that was about it!

Do you have faith in yourself?

I began concentrating on my own self-care, because I was fully understanding of the effects of not doing so.

Self-care is an important aspect of manifesting your dreams because if you are feeling great in mind, body, and soul, you will increase your chances of success.

Confidence and fear of failure were two of my biggest obstacles to overcome. Therefore, this is where I concentrated my effort and the rewards are continuing to pay off. I am successfully running my own business and I’m feeling great. As a result of achieving my set goals, I increased my chances of success.

You need faith to begin manifesting your dreams

But what about the house I hear you ask?

Unbelievably, I am writing this now sitting in what could be my house, with a garden, a therapy room and a workshop for Mark. Moreover, we have been living here for just over twelve months however, we are awaiting our mortgage in priniciple.

Previously, both myself and Mark were living in a two bedroomed, housing association flat with no savings, and now we are here!

Firstly, no it is not the house in Heysham Village that I do still admire. Maybe one day?

Secondly, how we ended up here is not at all what we expected. Sadly, and to keep it brief, a very close and dearly beloved member of our family died. It is so true not to expect exactly what you will receive, or how you will receive it.

So, what have I learned about manifesting your dreams?

When creating a daily self-care routine, the practice of gratitude is fundamental, especially for creating good feelings.

How can you have faith in yourself, your abilities and the Universe without feeling good about yourself?

Previously, I wallowed in my bad fortune and trauma. I was also continually expecting the worst case scenario. Thankfully, I switched this around with seeing and FEELING what is good around me. I instantly recognise the feeling of gratitude that brings hope, optimism and above all faith.

Originally, I was manifesting my self-employed career, however upon reflection, I was working towards my goals. Yes, of course I was manifesting them but more importantly, I was raising my vibration to a higher frequency with good feelings.

I fully surrendered my wishes for a house to the Universe and let me repeat this statement.


Manifesting my career is different because I was continually thinking about my achievements and failures. Of course, not with a negative mindset. There’s a difference between planning, reflection and working towards your goals. My journey includes performing shadow work on a regular basis.

If I am constantly assessing where I am and where I want to be, then I am not surrendering my wishes to the Universe. I am telling the Universe what I don’t have yet. My wishes for a house were indeed, fully surrendered to the Universe without another thought.

Manifesting your dreams is certainly an art and I know that I will continue growing my wisdom.

Fundamental to achieving your dreams is your faith in you, your abilities, your self-worth and the Universe.

Would you like to work with me as your manifesting coach? If so, visit my Tarot, Reiki and Hypno site for further information.

Amanda Norman

Your Author

Amanda is a certified Reiki Master, trainer and life coach with a strong passion for her holistic work.

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