I’ve recently received feedback from a client who has been feeling intense emotions following Reiki, which was a couple of weeks ago. Feeling emotional, let alone intensely emotional isn’t a nice feeling, but it warrants further investigation. Let’s begin!

What is Reiki?
Firstly, the purpose of Reiki energy healing is to work on dissolving stagnant blocks of energy within our body. If left, they can affect the flow of natural Universal healing energy that can cause ill health of our mind, body, and soul.
These stagnant blocks of energy occur over time due to a few varied reasons such as, trauma, stress, lack of exercise, poor diet and suppressing our emotions to name but a few. Find out more about reiki healing here.
A common way of dealing with emotional pain is to suppress it.
Unfortunately, avoiding feelings, or putting it off for another day doesn’t help us. If locked deep within our body, it will keep on resurfacing at various points of our lifetime. Of course, we can put it off temporarily until we are ready and mentally strong enough to face it but face it, we must!
Secondly, Reiki healing affects us all differently. To first time clients, I recommend waiting at least two weeks if not four before thinking about another session as the healing needs time to take effect. If you trust your intuition, you will know when the time is right.
Thirdly, all clients leave my care knowing that they can contact me with any questions they may have in relation to healing. As a result, my client has checked in with me to ask if this is normal and has asked for methods of coping with it.
The good news for my client is that healing is taking place.
Coping with our emotions following Reiki
Healing always comes from within and slowly but surely, she’s releasing her feelings that she’s suppressed for a long time. Undoubtedly it is a little concerning, but as a result her inner strength will grow, and she will be a lot happier.
Below I’ve included some of my tips for dealing with strong emotions.
- Nurture your soul with some self-love and MAKE TIME for those things that you enjoy. Take a scented bath or go for a mindful walk.
- Be with friends and family who light up your soul and support you.
- Don’t suppress your feelings. Find someone who you trust and talk to them. If you find yourself on the receiving end of someone talking to you, please just listen.
- Spew out your emotion on paper by way of writing. Let it go!
- Put your favourite music on and sing and dance to your hearts content.
- Meditation is good especially if you look at it as a spa treatment for your mind.
- Finally, a follow up Reiki appointment will also do you the world of good.
I hope that you’ve found this useful and interesting.
Amanda and her Reiki
If you would like to book a Reiki treatment, please visit my Reiki in Liverpool page. I also have a Reiki FAQ page and if you would like to be attuned to Reiki, please visit my Reiki training page.
Amanda is a member of the UK Reiki Federation.