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Shaking During Reiki


Watching someone or feeling that you’re shaking during Reiki can be quite unsettling. Well, worry no more!

Welcome to my Reiki journal where you will gain a personal insight into my journey of learning and experiencing Reiki.

Shaking during Reiki
Shaking during Reiki

Today, I performed Reiki on a regular client of mine and it was the very first time that I experienced someone shaking during Reiki. Her shaking or as she described it, ‘uncontrollable spasms‘ was quite alarming for me to witness, but I proceeded with the session, only because I instinctively knew that everything was OK.

Shaking during Reiki

While performing the first few Reiki hand positions, I had the tingling feather sensation strike my hand on two occasions. This is always a good sign for me as I feel that my spirit guides are guiding me. Please refer to my Reiki Hand Intuition journal for more experiences. I also had very hot hands, which were unbelievably hot before her arrival.

It was when I reached her Solar Plexus chakra that I noticed her chest starting to tremble. I cautiously looked on and her trembling turned into shaking, but only her chest and shoulders. Her eyes remained closed and therefore I just instinctively knew to carry on as it wasn’t medically related. The reason for her trembling then suddenly jumped to the forefront of my mind, and I trusted my intuition.

Releasing Grief

My client had missed her previous reiki session and during that time, she lost her beloved horse. She knew that time was limited with her horse, but the time came far quicker than she expected to say goodbye.

The trembling had to be the release of grieving energy that she was storing within her Solar Plexus chakra. After all, a balanced Solar Plexus chakra will bring joy and happiness. Unbalanced, it will harbour stress and that can lead to ill health. My client also commented that her sleeping had worsened.

The rest of the Reiki treatment went well and when I told my client gently that her session had ended, her first words were, ‘what was all that shaking about?’

She also referred to it as being ‘freaky‘. We had a good discussion and I explained about the grieving process, and that it must be the negativity leaving her body. She felt fine and she said that she will see how she copes with sleeping later on.

She slept fine!

Master Shakes

When I performed my first Reiki session following my Reiki Master’s degree training, I felt for the first time a form of shaking.

Now I say a form of shaking as I don’t know how to fully describe it, but here goes.

As I sat there channelling healing energy around my client’s head area, I noticed a rumbling sensation. I felt it in the space between my hands and my client’s head. The longer I held my hands there, the more intense the energy grew. I wouldn’t have been surprised if I had witnessed my hands performing caterpillar movements. Fortunately, that didn’t happen.

Again, when sensing something different, I trusted my instinct. I believe I was feeling an increase in energy due to my final Reiki attunement. As soon as I thought this, the rumbling subsided.

My client never commented on experiencing anything like this following her Reiki treatment. Instead, she thanked me and said that she hadn’t felt so calm, relaxed, and happy in a long time.

Amanda and her Reiki

I provide Reiki treatments in Liverpool city centre as well as the Bowring Park area of Liverpool.

If you would like to book for Reiki or ask me any questions, please get in touch. Additionally, I’m also a member of the UK Reiki Federation whose members agree to a code of practice, which is a guarantee to the public that they will receive the highest standard of attention and care.

Amanda Norman

Your Author

Amanda is a certified Reiki Master, trainer and life coach with a strong passion for her holistic work.

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