Beautiful moon magic is my expression of how I’m feeling with today’s new moon. I’ve been reflecting on myself during the balsamic phase of the moon, which is also a loving and healing time.

Beautiful Moon Magic
Beautiful Moon Magic

Beautiful moon magic

Firstly, practicing moon magic daily brings me good fortune in ALL areas of my life. This includes not only my work, but the wellbeing of my mind, body, and soul. My practice allows me to maintain emotional balance during difficult phases like the current ‘cost of living’ crisis. Without beautiful moon magic in my life, I can only imagine how much anxiety and depression I maybe feeling right now.

The secret to moon magic is practicing it daily!

Her energy is with us every day throughout our lifetime and not just when she’s starting a new phase or has reached full moon status. Her energy beams down continuously and for this reason, I honour and think of her daily.

Regarding moon rituals, I do practice these on a new moon and a full moon and today with this post, I’m putting in the groundwork of my upcoming new moon ritual.

New Moon Magic

As I write this now at 11:02, the new moon will be in place at 22:57. I won’t be able to see her as the sun isn’t reflecting off her surface however, I know she’s there as I can feel her energy. You can also check the current moon phase over at ‘TimeandDate‘.

Time and Date Moon Phase
Time and Date Moon Phase

The New Moon is what a lot of people, including myself consider the beginning phase of the lunar cycle. Therefore, when practicing moon magic to manifest your goals, this is the ideal time to be setting your intention.

There’s an art to setting your intention though and it’s certainly not the simple act of making a wish and asking the moon to make it come true. The time you put aside for your self-care is a measure of your self-love, so it’s important that you invest your creative energy into growing your goal or dream.

The time you put aside for your self-care is a measure of your self-love

Amanda Norman

Since the third quarter moon, I’ve been reflecting on my status during these testing times.

Things are currently slowing down due to the economic crisis we are all facing. I would be lying if I didn’t admit to getting anxious about how it’s affecting my business and my health. Fortunately, with the act of reflection, I’m able to see what’s going well along with the drop in custom. This prevents me from dwelling in negative energy and I’m able to maintain balance over my thinking and emotions.

Tarot and Moon Magic

I extensively use the tarot as a tool to help me with my reflection and the other day, I drew ‘The Tower’ when asking what area, I should reflect on. If you know the tarot, it wasn’t a pleasant card to draw, especially since I’m worried about my future. Disaster looms however, I quickly reminded myself that this was the subject to focus on for my reflection.

I’m a strong believer in what you think, feel, and believe, you will attract, and this came to mind during my reflection. The reality of my situation was constantly fearing the worst to come, which is ultimately destructive. I reap what I sow!

Therefore, I took a long look at where I currently sit and found the truth of the situation I face.

My procrastination is holding me back from addressing the situation and bringing balance. Why am I not considering the positive aspects of where I am and what is the best to come?

Law of Attraction Einstein
Law of Attraction Einstein

Success and Moon Magic

I’m feeling the positive energy of this New Moon and I’m anticipating success.

Indeed, the first tarot card I drew today to check in with this energy and how I’m feeling was ‘The Sun‘. I really couldn’t ask for a better tarot card.

I’m expressing my creative energy by writing here in my journal. My next task is to create my SMART action plan with an overall affirmation in preparation for tonight’s new moon ritual. To read more about the New Moon and affirmations, read my post, New Moon Crystals.

I’m certainly no longer procrastinating.

I’m fully immersed in this beautiful moon magic.

If you would like to learn moon magic, please visit my aMOONda workshop. I specialise in one-to-one training.

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