Anxiety and The Nine of Cups go hand in hand for me today. This card reminds me how grateful I am for my journey so far however, today I’m being forced to face my fear.

Anxiety and the Nine of Cups
Anxiety and the Nine of Cups

Battling Anxiety

Previously, I’ve allowed my anxiety to hold my potential back. Over the last few years, I’ve done lots of self-therapy and I’ve learned lots about myself. I’m in a far better place with myself and the world around me! I have the job of my dreams and my relationships are healthy and strong, yet that little b***tard of an ego is trying it’s hardest to take control.

I can only describe it as pecking my head and continually chanting, ‘you’re going to fail, stupid!’

I’m faced with a challenge today that I could easily refuse, but I mustn’t give into my fear!

I’ve come so far!

I’ve strengthened my inner self to not be defeated before I’ve even tried.

My battle with anxiety is not going to fail today!

More importantly, I recognise what’s happening right now whereas previously, I would have got so overwhelmed and given in. Of course, I would have felt worse both physically and mentally.

Nowadays, I share my fears and I find strength in the loving support of others. I certainly don’t keep it bottled up believing that I’m weak and pathetic, which is what I used to tell myself. Furthermore, I would have let those closest to me down when they needed my help.

The beauty of using the tarot as a tool for self-therapy is that this card, the Nine of Cups confirms everything that I’m feeling right now. I do feel fulfilled, but there are challenges to face, and the time has come today.

The message of the Nine of Cups

The Nine of Cups has confirmed the following: –

I’ve got this!
I can do this!
I’ve done it before!
Fear will no longer control me!

The deck featured in today’s post is the Murder of Crows that is available to purchase from our store.

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