The anxiety chakra kit contains my choice of anxiety crystals to help you manage your anxiety. If you would like to know what crystals are good for anxiety, please read on.

Anxiety crystals
Anxiety Crystals

Anxiety Kit

I wanted to create an anxiety chakra kit that I believed in with all of my heart. My own suffering of anxiety has culminated in me now managing it, and I chose these crystals to reflect my experience and knowledge.

You can rest assured that my anxiety kit, is not just a selection of seven crystals that have been grouped together to make a quick ‘quid‘.

I must also point out that crystals alone haven’t helped me to manage my anxiety. They were just one of the many methods I use that include: –

  • Practising mindfulness so that I’m focused on the present moment, which is so, very important. Please don’t waste your energy reflecting on the past when you can’t change it! You can learn from it and move on and there is no point in worrying about the future. How many times have you rode that drama roundabout and it never came true?
  • Practice of meditation to quieten the chitter chatter that makes you anxious
  • Reiki, both giving and receiving
  • Practice of gratitude as there is so much to be thankful for in life that you don’t realise you have
  • Tarot reading as a form of self-therapy
  • Giving to others – I just believe so much that it’s important to share knowledge to help others
  • Get creative because you forget about things when you’re being creative

Crystals come into play with the creation of my gemstone healing bracelets. I used to love making these years ago and I don’t know why I stopped. One day I had a strong urge to create myself a crystal healing bracelet specifically for my anxiety. This is how I discovered my chosen anxiety crystals.

Anxiety crystals and how to use them

I chose seven crystals to help manage anxiety so that you could place one on each chakra if you wish to. Without any interruptions, lie down with a crystal on your chakra for about 20 minutes. Don’t rush to sit up after your session as you may fall over and drink plenty of water. Then journal your experience by writing how you felt before, during and after.

Anxiety stone of the day

Don’t worry if you’re not familiar with chakras because all you need to do is pick an anxiety stone of the day and keep it on your person, or in your vision for that day.

Put it in your pocket, desk, or bedside cabinet, somewhere close that you can feel its energy. You can have all seven with you if you want to. It’s entirely your own choice and again, trust you intuition and listen to your inner voice.

Setting your intention

Setting your intention is important when selecting your anxiety stone. It can be described as your wish for the crystal to help you. Hold the anxiety crystal and in your minds ask the stone to help you to do whatever it is you want it to do, and then say thank you.

The anxiety chakra kit contains an intention for each stone, but further information is below as you can only get so much information on a pocket card. Further information about choosing crystals can be found by clicking the link, and also have a look at my article on cleansing crystals.

Root chakra anxiety stone

Obsidian is one of the most powerful of crystals to help repel negative energy caused by irrational fear that heightens your anxiety. It will also provide you with the determination required to break habits of negative thinking. For every negative thought, catch it and dissolve its energy by replacing it with a positive thought.

Sacral chakra anxiety stone

Sunstone was chosen due to its soft hue of peachy orange offering so much healing for your troubled emotions.

Paranoia, confusion, hate and depression are just some of the possible negative emotions that anxiety can cause within. The anxiety crystal of Sunstone will help with balancing your emotions so that you can begin to find some love and peace. Together with the anxiety crystal of Obsidian, it makes a perfect combination to help you regain control of your mind.

Solar Plexus chakra anxiety stone

Citrine is a variety of quartz that is coloured yellow. Quartz is the master healer of all gemstones and you can find out more if you read my post about Quartz Clusters.

So, taking this into account, Citrine is the perfect anxiety crystal to give you willpower and the confidence for you to manage your anxiety, especially if it means facing your fears. For example, if you’re attending CBT therapy where they challenge you to face your fears, why not take a piece of Citrine in your pocket as your chosen anxiety crystal of the day to help with your confidence?

Heart chakra anxiety stone

Unakite with its pink and green hues is the anxiety crystal that resonates beautifully with your heart chakra. It’s all about balance and transformation and the importance of selecting Unakite is it’s gift of helping you to stay focused on the present moment. There’s no worry or irrational fear when you are simply ‘being‘ in the present moment.

Throat chakra anxiety stone

Blue Chalcedony is a very good anxiety stone to help you communicate your fears.

I know that when I was suffering anxiety, sometimes I wanted to scream out that, ‘I want to go out with you all, but I’m scared‘, and well there was no way I was going to admit that.

Your thoughts carry so much emotion that builds into irrational fear as you ride that drama roundabout. How many times have you conjured up an action packed, outrageous drama that knocks the spots off any soap opera to the point you’re filled with emotion?

Blue Chalcedony will help you to communicate your thoughts with confidence. Whether it’s speaking or writing, this anxiety crystal will work wonders. As the saying goes, ‘better out than in!’

Brow chakra anxiety stone

Amethyst is a purple coloured quartz. Remember what I said about Quartz being a master healer?

Amethyst will calm your overthinking mind to bring inner peace. It will assist you with your intention of managing your anxiety as you begin to see clearly the benefits of your chosen methods to allow you to master your anxiety.

Crown chakra anxiety stone

Clear Quartz is the master healing, crystal gemstone. It can be used for any chakra and any problem you may have, why?

Clear Quartz contains all the colours of the spectrum that makes it so powerful. You can use it on its own or team it up with any of the above anxiety crystals for increased power, for example: –

You’re really struggling with going out today. The problem is, you need to go out because you have work to be done. If your problem is due to a lack of confidence, carry clear Quartz with Citrine to give your confidence an extra boost.

I hope this guide helps you and I would love to hear how you get on with this kit.

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