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Distant healing back pain


Distant healing back pain was achieved this morning and what I learned was mind blowing!

The difference between this session and my previous ones, is the introduction of concentration meditation. This is something I’ve recently learned while studying for a diploma in meditation. Although I know that I need to visualise my client, I took it to the next level. I was actually able to maintain the visual for a full 15 minutes. Previously, I would lose focus, and then re-focus. This time I amazed myself.

When the time was up, I was flooded with the emotion of joy. I really can’t explain how happy I felt. I immediately gave thanks to my spirit guides for their guidance, and intuition.

Distant healing back pain
Reiki treatments both online and in person by Amanda from Liverpool

Distant healing back pain consultation

I telephoned my client after the session and she said that she felt her stomach moving. She’s hoping that trapped wind is causing her back pain.

When she told me this, I imagined a dark mass leaving her body.

I completed the telephone session with advising her to breathe in white healing light to the source of the pain. When exhaling, direct it down towards the Earth.

It’s now 20:00 and the session was at 11:00am. I’ve just telephoned her to see how she’s getting on and she said that her pain has subdued. However, it’s now at the top of her legs, but she’s feeling more positive. Is her blockage slowly moving down as part of a discharging process?

I will do another distant healing back pain at the same time tomorrow if needed and provide a further update to this journal. I can’t tell you how excited I am!

Complimentary Therapy

Just to make it clear, my client has already consulted with her GP.

Reiki should NEVER be used instead of professional medical attention. It can be used following a consultation with myself to compliment professional medical advice.

Day 2 Distant Reiki Healing Back Pain

The format of yesterday’s and today’s distant reiki healing session has changed.

Yesterday, she sat on a comfortable chair with her choice of music playing in the background, while I kept an open video link on the mobile. The music at my end wasn’t good as it would come through in waves and then be silent. Today, she has decided to lie down on her bed with no video link.

I think this change is for the better as it certainly cuts down on using unnecessary energy. We have agreed that our time is 11am and I’ll phone her at 10:55 to let her know that I will be starting at 11:05. This gives her time to put her music on, get her choice of crystals and centre her breathing. She knows when the session is over, as I will ring her back.

During today’s after session phone call, she reports the following: –

  • Strong sensation of the pain moving to the front of her stomach again
  • Her gut instinct, (hmmm an appropriate choice of phrase don’t you think?) is telling her that a build up of wind is causing her pain
  • Strong vivid and loving reflections of her husband who passed over
  • A positive uplift in mood
  • Yesterday following the Reiki session, the pain had eased and she was able to sleep, but it had come back this morning

Feelings of Gratitude

On a different note, my client asked me how I felt today following my strong sensations after yesterday’s session.

My feelings are of gratitude to the Universe of being thankful for being a channel of healing energy. I’m also reminded that the healing energy will go to where it is needed. This means, if you think that I can direct healing energy specifically to the point of pain in her back, I could, but I don’t as the Universe will take it where its required. It will go to the root cause of the pain.

While updating this journal, I’ve just had a shift of air in my stomach that rumbled so loud that my partner heard it.

Amanda and her Reiki

If you would like to book a Reiki treatment, please visit my Reiki in Liverpool page. Visit my Reiki FAQ page if you have any questions. Finally, if learning Reiki appeals to you, please visit my Reiki training page.

Amanda is a member of the UK Reiki Federation.

Amanda Norman

Your Author

Amanda is a certified Reiki Master, trainer and life coach with a strong passion for her holistic work.

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