Category: Amanda

  • Reiki and Spiritual Healing


    Today’s post, Reiki Spiritual Healing, is a collection of my thoughts and feelings associated with giving and receiving a Reiki attunement. Yes, it can be overwhelming, but it is a spiritual cleansing that’s steeped in ritual. Firstly, if you’re not familiar with Reiki, please click here for my Reiki FAQ. Anything else you would like… Read more

    Reiki and Spiritual Healing
  • Moon Magic and Healing

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    Moon Magic and healing is exactly what I’m doing this month. This lunar phase is one of growing my spirituality and reconnecting with my higher self. Too many times in life, we lose our connection with ourselves and the Universe, especially when we’re in the process of manifesting our dreams. BUT, how many times do… Read more

    Moon Magic and Healing
  • Journey of Healing


    This is a follow-up to my Living in Fear post, but also my thoughts about my journey of healing. My Journey of Healing You must have heard the phrase, ‘wake-up call’? Well, back in 2017, I experienced my ‘wake-up call’. My higher self was screaming to be freed from the HELL HOLE that I was… Read more

    Journey of Healing
  • Living in Fear


    I’m feeling emotional as I write this post about how living in fear can stop you from being happy. The sweetest old man in his 70s walked into my shop and I could feel his sadness. Eventually, he approached me and I asked him if he was looking for anything in particular. He spoke softly… Read more

    Living in Fear
  • Balsamic Moon Reflections

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    Join me now as I reflect on my month of moon magic with the energy of the Balsamic moon. Balsamic Moon Reflection The Balsamic Moon occurs three days before a new moon. It’s during this phase that we take time to reflect on our highs and lows. One thing for sure is that I’ve certainly… Read more

    Balsamic Moon Reflections
  • Loneliness and me


    This year’s Mental Health Awareness Week theme is loneliness and therefore I would like to share my experience. One in four adults feel lonely some or all of the time. There’s no single cause and there’s no one solution. After all, we’re all different! But, the longer we feel lonely, the more we are at… Read more

    Loneliness and me
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