Category: Tarot
Balsamic Moon and Tarot
In my latest journal, I will provide you with a personal insight of how I use the energy of the Balsamic moon and tarot to achieve self healing. I’ve also discovered how I’m holding myself back due to feelings of imposter syndrome. Balsamic Moon Healing Each lunar phase consists of 29.5 days, and you can… Read more
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Limiting Self-Beliefs
Today I’m taking an objective look at my limiting self-beliefs and surprisingly, my timing is perfect as I’m currently preparing for the Balsamic moon in 2 days time. Balsamic Moon When using moon magic to manifest my desires, it’s important that I use her energy at the right time. You can find out more about… Read more
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Ace of Cups and Release
This full moon, I asked the Tarot what I need to let go of, and the answer was to release the Ace of Cups. This is going to be difficult to work out when all I can think of is strong feelings of love coming my way. OK, so let me break this down in… Read more
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Success and the Devil
This is my latest self-therapy session with the tarot and I’ve named it, Success and the Devil. I am feeling successful, but the Devil is my fear. Feeling successful with The World On top of the world is how I’m feeling right now, even though my client didn’t show up for her crystal Reiki. I’m… Read more
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Are you tied up in knots?
If you’re feeling tied up in knots and you can’t seem to get anywhere, then it’s time for some shadow work, or self-therapy. My favourite method of shadow work is to use the Tarot as it challenges me to look beyond the surface. It takes a lot of skill to do this as a form… Read more
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Balsamic Moon
The Balsamic Moon is a three day phase prior to a new moon. In brief, it’s a time for reflection, surrender and healing. All three aspects are positive contributions to maintaining our emotional wellbeing when practiced. Since finding moon magic, my life has transformed for the better. I’m a lot more positive and I can… Read more
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