Dioptase is truly a transformational stone. I even experienced thoughts of a kundalini awakening when meditating with it hence the potential of this magnificent crystal.

The other day, a friend of mine gave me a piece of Dioptase, the one that you see in the photograph on this page. I’ve always considered the gift of crystals to be a beautiful expression of endearment and I still am extremely grateful.
Dioptase was a surprise gift but the instant I examined it; I could feel its power.
I love to meditate with new crystals to find out their energy and purpose for me. As energy is unique, its worth remembering that we won’t all experience the same benefits from a particular crystal.
Meditating with Dioptase
It’s important for me to note that during this meditation, I easily kept my focus on this crystal. Sometimes, I may get side-tracked when I catch myself latching onto a thought, but that didn’t occur.
Firstly, let me state that I am writing this journal after one meditation. I am yet to work fully with Dioptase to discover its true potential, but the power I felt was so strong.
Secondly, I felt a rise from deep within my root chakra that transcended upwards. I instinctively knew that this crystal was clearing away my negative energy.
Before meditating with a new crystal, I spend time examining it fully so that I can visualise it with my mind’s eye during meditation.
When meditating, I zoned in on the structure of Dioptase and the abundance of towers shooting upwards. I take this as a symbol of new growth and potential reaching up from deep within, hence the feeling of it being truly transformational.
Next, I remembered seeing the light inside the darkness of the crystal, and I saw the glimmer of hope, the beginning of innovative ideas, or the life even that this crystal provides.
I’m still taken aback by the power of this crystal and I’m excited to do more meditation with it.
Kundalini Awakening?
Kundalini is Sanskrit for coiled snake. In Hinduism, it’s a form of divine energy that rises from your root chakra and will rise through all chakras to provide spiritual liberation. Please refer to Wikipedia for more information on Kundalini.
I do not profess to have experienced a Kundalini awakening, but this thought did rise during my meditation. It’s because of the energy I felt deep within, rising upwards and clearing away any negativity that’s within me.
My journey of a spiritual awakening began, which I’m consciously aware of, in 2017 following my hell with anxiety. From all accounts, if you experience a Kundalini awakening, you will know about it!
Since then, I work on myself every day by practicing meditation, gratitude, mindfulness, Reiki, and lots more. I’ve certainly not deliberately put effort into awakening my Kundalini.
Did I just experience a Kundalini awakening?
No, as I do believe that I would feel remarkably different.
I am also not saying that this crystal will provide you with a Kundalini awakening.
I’m happy, excited, and infused with a passion for life, but I’m glad to say that I feel like this most days.
However, what I do know is that in order for us to progress forward with our lives, we need to release negative energy from within. Holding onto any pain or emotional trauma only holds us back in life. This is the energy I felt from my first meditation with Dioptase.
Keywords and Phrases
I always like to jot down my keywords and phrases following my meditation.
Below I’ve listed them to give you more of an idea of the energy I felt.
- Spiritual transformation
- Chakra balancing
- Glimmer of hope
- Breaking through the darkness
- Rising up
- Powerful with healing
- Releasing of negativity
- Dissolving shadows
- Continual growth
- Inspiration
- Innovation
- Spiritual enlightenment
- Removes trauma
- Freeing
- Exciting
- Adventure