Full moon feelings are certainly being felt. I’ve got so much to be grateful for during this full moon and the energy I can feel is one of pure excitement!
This time, I forgive myself for my own induced self-loathing of my body, and I’m grateful that my heart is filled with self-love.

The full moon is a time of immense energy whereby our dreams can manifest. However, I do know that to expect all my goals to manifest at once, is quite unrealistic. The key though, is being aware of my little wins and being grateful for them. To read more about this, please read my post titled Gifts from the Universe.
Giving thanks on the full moon
During this full moon, I will be giving thanks for the following: –
One of my goals with moon magic is to enhance my overall wellbeing and in particular my mental health. Sometimes, I do feel that I’m on the verge of my anxiety worsening however, I’ve done a lot of self-therapy to recognise the signs to prevent disaster. In addition, practicing gratitude daily really does grow my self-love. I’m a lot more confident than I realised.
This week it has been so damn hot!
In the past, I was too self-conscious to wear shorts and get my legs out. I felt ashamed of them, and I felt ashamed to be me. Body image is such a nightmare for those of us who are not comfortable with ourselves, and it can be utterly soul destroying.
Thankfully however, I’m now confident enough to stick a middle finger up at anyone who would mock me for being me. In fact, I look at myself in the mirror and tell myself ‘you go girl’ and I end up putting a smile on my face. Do I find it easy all the time to do this?
Well, no, but I’ve also recognised that my menstrual cycle plays havoc with my emotions. Thankfully, knowing this makes it a lot easier for me to deal with.
If I could give you any words of advice it would be, don’t wait until you’re 49 years old to be comfortable in your own skin. Self-love and nurturing your soul daily are key!
This brings me neatly onto the subject of forgiveness.
Firstly, I cannot stress enough the importance of releasing the negative energy from within. A lack of forgiveness causes a stagnant block of energy thus preventing the free flow of Universal HEALING energy.
As an energy healer, I see first-hand the effects of storing negative energy and it’s a very special moment when I help a client to release.
So, what or who do I need to forgive currently?
Ho’oponopono is a practice of reconciliation and forgiveness that originated in Hawaii. You can find out more about it here on Wikipedia.
Repeating the below to myself in the mirror daily for at least thirty days has helped me. I will also repeat this during my full moon ritual.
I’M SORRY for putting you through the pain of disliking you, and your body. I know I caused you great pain and discomfort, and for that, I’m truly sorry.
I LOVE YOU so much as you are beautiful inside and out
Want to learn more about Moon Magic?
If you would like me to mentor you with moon magic, please visit my aMOONda page for further information.