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Morning self-care crystals


Morning self-care crystals, is my latest article that takes a look at how we can incorporate crystals into our morning self-care routine, and the healing benefits they can provide.

Morning Self-Care Crystals
Self-care crystals

Setting yourself up for the day with a morning self-care routine, is vital for your mental health and wellbeing.

I hope to provide you with some ideas on how you can incorporate crystals that will provide lots of positive, healing energy.

Do you have a morning self-care routine?

If you don’t currently have a morning self-care routine, perhaps now is the time to adopt one.

It will set you up for the day ahead while maintaining positive energy. It’s important that you put your own self-care routine together that fits in comfortably with your lifestyle, but be very aware if you’re telling yourself right now, ‘I don’t have time for this!

I don’t have time for self-care routines!

That one phrase needs to be challenged with kindness and compassion. To be quite frank, you need to stop making excuses and make the time!

I used to say this a lot, but honestly, my life just keeps on getting better, and better. It started getting better when I put myself first and got over the feeling of being selfish. I’m no longer holding myself back and doors are opening for me. Don’t get me wrong, my life isn’t perfect, but I’ve come along way and one of my first steps was making time for myself.

Think about it this way, if you don’t make time for yourself, to nurture and love yourself, to be kind to yourself, to listen to what your body, mind, and soul is crying out for, why should anyone else have time for you?

We need a positive mindset to start the day with

Thoughts and our mindset need positive energy and if you don’t believe me, take a minute now and think about how you feel when you wake up in the morning and the sun is shining. Hopefully you feel a lot brighter with motivation to get out of bed than you do on a cold dark morning.

Your day starts with a thought, so it matters if this is positive or negative as your feelings, and thoughts power your day ahead. With a positive mindset, even if it’s dark and cold, you will recognise that negative thought and switch it immediately to one of positivity. Adding crystals into a morning self-care routine will double the positive energy.

Morning self-care crystals

My number one morning self-care crystal that I use every single day is Selenite. This is because it clears all stagnant residues of negative energy.

You know how I said earlier that your thoughts and words have energy, which is either positive or negative? Think about the number of people, or activities you do in a day that can surround you with negative energy.

This negative energy can collect in your aura, especially if you’re in a profession where you help others.

Don’t believe me?

Ask yourself this!

Have you ever been in a room having fun, feeling great and suddenly the atmosphere changes, or that one person brings down the energy in the room?

Think about it!

Energy shower with Selenite

Just like we have a shower to wash away dirt and grime, we can use a crystal to remove negative energy from our aura.

Selenite is the crystal to do this. It’s known for its self-charging and cleansing power, and will cleanse any crystal that you place onto it.

Selenite is also known to help raise your vibration.

Simply running a Selenite stick or wand, around your body and through your aura, from tip to toe, will set you up for the rest of the day. Do this for approximately one to two minutes with the intention of removing any residue of stagnant energy.

Aura cleansing with Selenite

I do a nice gentle dance when I cleanse my aura with Selenite. Your aura is an invisible energy field that surrounds you like an egg. I imagine sparkles appearing in my aura when I gently move the Selenite through mine. I either use a stick of Selenite in each hand or some mornings, I’ll use my wand. The choice is up to you, but it’s a great feeling and it will put you in a fantastic mood.

Meditating with Crystals

Meditating with crystals is another option for you to add to your morning self-care routine. If you would like to find out more about this, please read my guide, meditating with crystals.

Choose a different crystal each day and then write in your journal what you experienced. It’s always best to write it out straight after you’ve meditated as so much comes to mind.

If you meditate with a crystal, you will connect with its energy and it’s powerful. Meditation alone heals your mind, body, and soul. When meditating with a crystal, you are doubling that healing energy.

Meditation Teacher

Give it a try and if you would like me to guide you, check out my meditating with crystal service. As a wellbeing life mentor, I can also assist you with setting up self-care routines, offer you energy healing and so much more.

Amanda Norman

Your Author

Amanda is a certified Reiki Master, trainer and life coach with a strong passion for her holistic work.

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