Tag: tarotliverpool

  • Ten of Cups Weakness

    Today I write about the Ten of Cups and weakness. It’s such a beautiful card to have in a tarot reading however, it’s in a position that highlights my weakness. The ten of cups concerns your feelings of emotional bliss and contentment. When this arrives in a reading, it talks about feeling sated and arriving… Read more

    Ten of Cups Weakness
  • A tarot reading is not

    Firstly, when you enter for a tarot reading, I will not be telling you if you’re going to win the lottery and I won’t be predicting the sex of your future baby. Secondly, please don’t push me for the answer YOU desperately want to hear. I can’t do that because, it’s not good for you… Read more

    A tarot reading is not
  • Ace of Cups and Release

    This full moon, I asked the Tarot what I need to let go of, and the answer was to release the Ace of Cups. This is going to be difficult to work out when all I can think of is strong feelings of love coming my way. OK, so let me break this down in… Read more

    Ace of Cups and Release
  • Pleasure and Reflection


    The six of cups is a card of pleasure and reflection. It’s about going back to a time of innocence when life was lovely and calm, but what message does it hold for me now? Each morning, I perform a three card spread with the tarot to gain a perspective of where I am and… Read more

    Pleasure and Reflection
  • The Emperor and Manifestation

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    The Emperor and manifestation go hand in hand but why is this so? To succeed with your ambitious desires, you will do well to have control of the situation. Thinking with clarity and practicing discipline are paramount. The Emperor is clear, do not allow fear to control you, and your dreams. When The Emperor appears… Read more

    The Emperor and Manifestation
  • A Challenging Situation


    The Five of Swords represents a challenging situation and asks are you preventing yourself from moving forward? Often we build a wall of protection but unfortunately, this can also hold us back. A challenging situation doesn’t define you, is a key message of this card! You probably feel defeated, lost or in a no-win situation… Read more

    A Challenging Situation