Gemstone, Tarot and Healing

Holistic services and products for your wellbeing

Author: Amanda

Managing anxiety with crystals
Gemstone Healing

Crystal Therapy for Anxiety

First and foremost, crystal therapy for anxiety is a special treatment that I’ve lovingly created to help you. As a previous sufferer of anxiety, I

Nine of Cups

Anxiety and the Nine of Cups

Anxiety and The Nine of Cups go hand in hand for me today. This card reminds me how grateful I am for my journey so

Levitating during Reiki
Reiki Journal

Levitating during Reiki

In today’s Reiki Journal, I write about the sensation of levitating during Reiki. I know what you’re thinking and trust me, my experience is as

Reiki Journal cool water
Reiki Journal

Dipping my Hands in Cool Water

In today’s Reiki Journal, I write about the sensation of dipping my hands in pools of cool water during a Reiki session. When channelling Reiki

Feather touches during Reiki
Reiki Journal

Feather Touches during Reiki

Today, I write about feeling the lightest of feather touches during Reiki that I feel on my hands and fingers. Have you felt this or

Balsamic Moon

Balsamic Moon and Tarot

In my latest journal, I will provide you with a personal insight of how I use the energy of the Balsamic moon and tarot to

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