Avoid suffering burnout as it really isn’t worth your physical and mental health. Take it from someone like me who has suffered the consequences.
Speaking from experience, I worked myself hard to ensure a comfortable future for myself and my family. Yes, I got some rewards, but I learned the hard way and suffered in the process.
Did my family suffer? Unfortunately, yes, they did!
I wasn’t there for them when they needed me. I was there physically, but not mentally!
Working too hard
Working through lunches, staying behind to get the job done and working on my days off was my choice and it made me feel good. Each task I completed and got out of the way, I felt better. It felt like a release of pressure and it felt liberating. It felt that good that I went looking for the next release, and the next release. I increased my own workload for what I believed at the time was for my benefit. Unfortunately, I was spiralling out of control. My stress was building, my workload was increasing, expectations were demanding, and I was heading for burnout without realising it.

Looking back, even a couple of hours each month would have been good for me instead of the resulting poor mental health, which I 100% believe brought on my thyroid issues and made my diabetes worse.
What was it all for?
Everything I did was for the benefit of everyone else in my life.
My family and career came first, then my friends and well I suppose I did take some time out for me. Most weekends I would enjoy a good night out with lots of alcohol, which was my reward for working hard.
This was not nurturing my soul. Instead, I was well and truly stuck in a spiralling mess and unfortunately, I suffered a mental health breakdown. Anxiety, alienation, paranoia including bad health are just some of my symptoms for not avoiding burnout.
My biggest learning lesson was that I didn’t take quality time out to do something for just me. Of course, friends and colleagues told me to take time out, but I disregarded it. I didn’t have the time to make time or so I believed! I also believe that I was avoiding facing up to personal issues that ultimately had to be dealt with.
Put yourself first to avoid suffering burnout
It’s hard to put yourself first, especially when you’ve formed an unhealthy habit of putting others first.
Have you had your wakeup call yet?
Stress is one of the first signs and you need to be relieving yourself of it.
If you’re reading this far, I’m sure you have experienced your wakeup call. The good news is, that I believe you have already started putting yourself first. Well done for hearing me out.
My first suggestion is to take small steps and go back to basics with a couple of hours of Reiki.
Now, don’t allow that mental barrier to rise with thoughts of, ‘I don’t have time for this ****.’ This is exactly what I would have said back then. Just smile and read on.
Nurture your soul with Reiki
Taking time out to avoid suffering burnout and nurture your soul is important.
When receiving Reiki, all you have to do is lie down, relax, and let go. Give your mind and body the peace, and relaxation it deserves. Your very first session with me would be for 1.5 hours as a friendly consultation needs to take place. Subsequent sessions are for 1 hour each.
Reiki from someone who has suffered like you is a good start. I will relax your mind and body prior to receiving Reiki and you will no doubt drift off into your own special place of healing. I’m confident that I can help you to switch off after all, I understand how difficult it is.
Taking a couple of hours out each month receiving Reiki is nurture for your body, mind, and soul. Reiki is a complimentary therapy that has so many wonderful benefits such as: –
- Releases your stress, which if allowed to remain can lead to illness
- An effective way of creating a high level of well-being by balancing your mind and emotions
- Heals your body, mind, and spirit
- Develops a positive attitude
- Expands your creativity
- Enhances your personal growth
- Increases your energy
- Is extremely calming and relaxing
- Reiki can help you to relieve pain and insomnia
- Reiki can also speed up recovery from surgery or long-term illness
- Using crystals doubles the healing energy

Book in with me now and start your new life today!
Amanda and her Reiki
If you would like to book a Reiki treatment, please visit my Reiki in Liverpool page. I also have a Reiki FAQ page and if you would like to be attuned to Reiki, please visit my Reiki training page.
Amanda is a member of the UK Reiki Federation.
How else can I avoid burnout?
Meditation, being creative, exercise, eating healthy and going for walks are other good methods of avoiding burnout.
Just take some time out to avoid suffering burnout by doing something that you enjoy, that will make you feel great. It really isn’t a lot to ask of yourself, is it?