Category: Reiki Journal
Amanda from Gemstone, Tarot and Healing updates her Reiki Journal on a regular basis to build a resource of information for her and her students.
Spiritual Guidance
Today in my Reiki Journal, I’m writing about my experiences and thoughts of receiving spiritual guidance during Reiki. Firstly, as a Reiki therapist it’s important that I ask for guidance and protection from my spirit guides prior to beginning a treatment. I remember my Reiki Master telling me that Reiki astral guides are present during… Read more
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Drawing out negative energy
As a Reiki practitioner, how do you know that you’re drawing out negative energy? The answer is that you will feel it and a conversation with your client will more than likely confirm it. For those of you who don’t know, most healers will perform a body scan with their hands to feel their client’s… Read more
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Principles of Reiki
Affirming these 5 principles of Reiki everyday, will help us enhance our mental health and well-being. Read on to find out more.. Dr Usui (1865 – 1926), founder of Usui Reiki, created the five principles of Reiki as a form of improving our happiness and well-being. Undoubtedly, understanding and reciting these 5 reiki principles daily,… Read more
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What does Reiki feel like?
Right now, as I write this, I have a wonderful feeling of oneness, thanks to my Reiki healing. I’m often asked what does Reiki feel like? In my latest journal, I will explore the effects of natural healing and answer your question. As a Reiki practitioner, I understand the importance of looking after my mind,… Read more
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Reiki For Anxiety
In my latest journal, I discuss the benefits of receiving Reiki for anxiety, and how it turned my life around. Since incorporating reiki into my life, so many good things are happening. Subsequently, my mental health is on average 90% positive. I personally doubt if anyone can keep 100% positivity, but it’s nice to have… Read more
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Reiki awakened my soul
I often get asked, “what are the benefits of Reiki and what can it do for me?” Although everyone is different, here’s my account of how Reiki awakened my soul. Reiki awakened my soul and I was free! Crippling anxiety and feelings of worthlessness are long gone thanks to Reiki. If you’re struggling with a… Read more
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