Category: Reiki Journal

Amanda from Gemstone, Tarot and Healing updates her Reiki Journal on a regular basis to build a resource of information for her and her students.

  • Distant healing back pain

    Distant healing back pain was achieved this morning and what I learned was mind blowing! The difference between this session and my previous ones, is the introduction of concentration meditation. This is something I’ve recently learned while studying for a diploma in meditation. Although I know that I need to visualise my client, I took… Read more

    Distant healing back pain
  • Quit Smoking with Reiki


    This is my journal about helping Mark to quit smoking with Reiki and gemstone healing. It contains lots of useful advice and information for you to practice healing with your own crystal gemstones. Read more

    Quit Smoking with Reiki
  • Reiki Master in Liverpool

    It was in September 2019 that I announced obtaining my Reiki Master and Teacher degree certificate. Today, a lot has changed, hence the update on this original post. As a Reiki Master in Liverpool, I’m now fully setup to deliver Reiki training at all levels. Further information about learning Reiki can be found here at… Read more

    Reiki Master in Liverpool
  • Shaking During Reiki

    Watching someone or feeling that you’re shaking during Reiki can be quite unsettling. Well, worry no more! Welcome to my Reiki journal where you will gain a personal insight into my journey of learning and experiencing Reiki. Today, I performed Reiki on a regular client of mine and it was the very first time that… Read more

    Shaking During Reiki
  • Reiki Hands

    In my latest journal, I discuss what I refer to as Reiki hands. I talk about my own experience of feeling the flow of Reiki energy through my hands, and how I may have prevented it from occurring sooner. As a Reiki practitioner, I didn’t feel the Reiki heat in my hands at first. For… Read more

    Reiki Hands
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