In my latest journal, I discuss the benefits of receiving Reiki for anxiety, and how it turned my life around.

Since incorporating reiki into my life, so many good things are happening. Subsequently, my mental health is on average 90% positive. I personally doubt if anyone can keep 100% positivity, but it’s nice to have something to aim for. It wasn’t always this good, in fact, it used to be depressing.
My Anxiety
At one time I was the life and soul of a party until I found myself scared of going out.
Even as I write this now, I’m thinking if ‘scared’ is the right word for how I felt. The truth is, I don’t know if I was scared.
I thought I would feel safer at home, snuggled up watching the TV. Unfortunately, all I remember is sitting there wondering if people were missing me. More thoughts came through such as, ‘what am I missing out on?’, ‘and ‘what do people think of me?‘
What makes it worse is that I never told my friends how I felt. I just made up excuses because I didn’t want to appear weak, and I didn’t want to feel shame. It certainly didn’t relieve my feelings of impending doom, it made them worse.
Anxiety is one massive mind ****!
Reiki for Anxiety
Initially I had group CBT sessions and then three one to one sessions. If I’m being frank, they didn’t help me much. If I hadn’t found Reiki, I don’t know where I would be now.
My Reiki attunement is responsible for firing me up with so much passion and creativity.
This facilitated the flow of Reiki energy into my body and opened up my chakras. It also cleansed my energy system.
Like most people, I had heard of Reiki, but I didn’t understand it. I never gave it a second thought until this one day, when I had the chance to learn self-healing.
It’s like something deep inside clicked. It stirred my inner soul and gave me the love and nurturing I so desperately needed. I’m not using my inner soul as a metaphor either.
For a long time, I had been living in my head and creating chaos out of nothing. I hadn’t paid myself any attention and for most of the time, I was on auto-pilot.
How Reiki works
Reiki uses the healing energy of the Universe to remove energy blocks from years old emotional pain and trauma. Subsequently, this allows the free flow of healing energy. It also removes toxins from the physical body.
It activates our natural healing process to restore physical and emotional wellbeing.
Up until Reiki entered my life, I had a lot of deep seated trauma that I had buried deeply. Unfortunately, the way you act and deal with problems are sometimes a result of the pain that you avoided. Reiki gently and lovingly starts dissolving these blocks and frees you up to experience, and attract positive energy.
A feeling of one with the Universe
Following my Reiki 2 attunement, my feeling at one with the Universe started getting stronger. I started trusting my instinct more and going with the flow of life. Anxiety doesn’t allow you to do this. Not everyone has the same experience of anxiety, but I used to try and control everything to avoid disaster. I now know that I can only control the way I think and react to things.
It was only natural for me to eventually receive my Reiki Master and Teacher attunements. This has since deepened my practice of Reiki.

Each day I try and adopt Reiki’s five principles that aids in living a better life. I have a separate post that you can read that explains what these are. I also incorporate self-healing into my self-care routine and my life is getting better and better.
Would you like Reiki for anxiety?
If you would like to book a Reiki treatment, please visit my Reiki in Liverpool page. I also have a Reiki FAQ page. Finally, if you would like to be attuned to Reiki, please visit my Reiki training page.
Amanda is a member of the UK Reiki Federation.
Please note, that I don’t recommend you use reiki instead of seeking professional medical attention. Reiki is a complimentary therapy only!