Tag: Meditation
Malachite and Chrysocolla
Firstly, I’ve created a deep and relaxing meditative experience that allows you to connect with the energy of your crystal. It’s certainly a wonderful journey that I take you on while providing you with Reiki at the same time. Therefore, this offers triple the healing experience. Meditation is a healing experience, so too is Reiki,… Read more
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Meditating with Clear Quartz
Meditating with Clear Quartz has taught me about the true power of this stunning crystal. This journal will reveal all. Firstly, I chose my Clear Quartz skull to meditate with on day one. I felt at the time that I needed help with managing my anxiety as I’m allowing my fears to get the better… Read more
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Manifesting with Spirit Quartz
If you’re a regular follower of mine, you will know how I love to meditate with crystals. During my latest crystal meditation, I discovered the power of manifesting with Spirit Quartz. The power of manifesting with Spirit Quartz is something else. Since tweaking my method of meditating with crystals, I have found it a lot… Read more
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The Power of Green Tourmaline
While meditating with this beautiful piece of Green Tourmaline, I witnessed a vision of something that unnerved me. In my vision, I am walking behind a man through woodland and suddenly, something comes at him causing him to raise his hands to protect himself. I know that I sensed fear and I also physically felt… Read more
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Gassho Meditation
If we practice gassho meditation daily, we set the foundation of our self-healing. The Japanese word gassho means the coming together of hands in a prayer position. To begin with, my knowledge of gassho meditation stems from my daily practice of Usui Reiki. More importantly, I feel the benefits of incorporating it into my daily… Read more
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Dioptase is truly a transformational stone. I even experienced thoughts of a kundalini awakening when meditating with it hence the potential of this magnificent crystal. The other day, a friend of mine gave me a piece of Dioptase, the one that you see in the photograph on this page. I’ve always considered the gift of… Read more
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