Gemstone, Tarot and Healing

Enhance Your Well-Being with Ethically Sourced Products and Holistic Services in Liverpool

Tag: Tarot reading of the day

Have faith in the Universe

Faith in the Universe

In my latest journal, I talk about my strong faith in the universe while explaining how my tarot reading and self-care routine, plays its part.

The Emperor and Manifestation
Life Coach

The Emperor and Manifestation

The Emperor and manifestation go hand in hand but why is this so? To succeed with your ambitious desires, you will do well to have

Five of Swords
Life Coach

A Challenging Situation

The Five of Swords represents a challenging situation and asks are you preventing yourself from moving forward? Often we build a wall of protection but

Midway crisis
Gemstone Healing

Midway Crisis?

Are you having a midway crisis? Sometimes in life, what seemed to be a good plan turns into a difficult situation. This can result in

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