Gemstone, Tarot and Healing

Enhance Your Well-Being with Ethically Sourced Products and Holistic Services in Liverpool

Category: Life Coach

Embrace your challenges
Gemstone Healing

Embrace your challenges

Why should you embrace your challenges? Here I talk frankly about a recent experience of facing a difficult challenge and the benefits that I received

Mastering my energy

Mastering my energy

In my latest journal, I’m exploring the subject of mastering my energy and how I’m using the moon’s energy to manifest my goals. I’ll begin with this

Nine of Cups

Anxiety and the Nine of Cups

Anxiety and The Nine of Cups go hand in hand for me today. This card reminds me how grateful I am for my journey so

Limiting Self-Beliefs
Life Coach

Limiting Self-Beliefs

Today I’m taking an objective look at my limiting self-beliefs and surprisingly, my timing is perfect as I’m currently preparing for the Balsamic moon in

Success and the Devil
Life Coach

Success and the Devil

This is my latest self-therapy session with the tarot and I’ve named it, Success and the Devil. I am feeling successful, but the Devil is

8 of Swords
Life Coach

Are you tied up in knots?

If you’re feeling tied up in knots and you can’t seem to get anywhere, then it’s time for some shadow work, or self-therapy. My favourite

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