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Kindness is this years theme for Mental Health Awareness week. Therefore, let’s be kind to others and ourselves.


While writing out my gratitude journal this morning, I began contemplating my feelings. I soon realised how much this benefits my mental health and increases my self-worth.

Gratitude journal and kindness

Each morning I write everything that I’m grateful for in my life and the feelings that it generates for me. I’m practicing mindfulness and being in the present moment.

This is my act of kindness to myself. Sometimes it’s too easy to get caught up in the negative aspects of life and not give yourself any self-love.

By contemplating my feelings generated through gratitude, I realise my self-worth. In addition, I generate self-love and with that, comes kindness and compassion.

Once you feel self-love, kindness and compassion, the act of being kind, considerate and caring is second nature.

Amanda’s realisation of kindness

Today, the weather is going to be hot and I wrote the following in my gratitude journal: –

Tonight, I’m going to watch the sun set, and be grateful for Mother Earth delivering such wonderful beauty.

I then began contemplating the feelings generated from experiencing the sunset. I’m paying attention to the feel of the breeze gently on my face as the sun disappears below the horizon.

The feelings I get from watching the sun go down make me feel warm, calm, at peace and loved. I realise that the act of kindness generates the same feelings in me.

A lot of us, unfortunately go through life and don’t contemplate our feelings. Unfortunately, this is an unhealthy habit that is formed over time. We don’t stop long enough to reflect how we feel and we rush head long into our next task.

Writing a daily gratitude journal has allowed me to take the time to FEEL the kindness in my heart. Furthermore, I feel the compassion that this generates.

If you do feel your acts of kindness, how long do you spend contemplating it?

This is s key aspect!

By reflecting on the feelings it generates, you open your heart to self-love.

Being kind to others

Being kind comes from the heart without any ulterior motive.

Therefore, if someone shows you an act of kindness, spend a moment feeling the love. Take the time by speaking to them to tell them how much you appreciate it.

Finally, BE KIND TO YOURSELF by creating yourself a daily gratitude journal. Feel the love!

Amanda Norman

Your Author

Amanda is a certified Reiki Master, trainer and life coach with a strong passion for her holistic work.

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