Tag: Fear

  • Living in Fear


    I’m feeling emotional as I write this post about how living in fear can stop you from being happy. The sweetest old man in his 70s walked into my shop and I could feel his sadness. Eventually, he approached me and I asked him if he was looking for anything in particular. He spoke softly… Read more

    Living in Fear
  • Desire versus Fear


    Today, I’m reminded of the importance of not allowing anxiety to steer me away from my heart’s desire. These cards foretell a period of desire versus fear but thankfully, I have experience of being in this situation. Each morning, and as part of my self-therapy care, I like to perform a three-card tarot reading. I… Read more

    Desire versus Fear
  • Embrace your challenges


    Why should you embrace your challenges? Here I talk frankly about a recent experience of facing a difficult challenge and the benefits that I received from it. It’s just one of my many life coaching tips and if you’re looking for assistance, please do get in touch. We all have challenges to face on a… Read more

    Embrace your challenges
  • Success and the Devil


    This is my latest self-therapy session with the tarot and I’ve named it, Success and the Devil. I am feeling successful, but the Devil is my fear. Feeling successful with The World On top of the world is how I’m feeling right now, even though my client didn’t show up for her crystal Reiki. I’m… Read more

    Success and the Devil
  • My Happy Place

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    My happy place is somewhere I can escape to while meditating so that I can relax and chill out. Additionally, I’m relieving myself of the day to day stresses and furthermore, I’m relaxing my mind. This is my account of what I experienced during my latest meditation. If you would like me to guide you… Read more

    My Happy Place
  • Tourmaline for Anxiety

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    I’ve had great success using Tourmaline for anxiety relief and I’m not on my own. It’s renowned for protection as well as helping people manage their anxiety. Anyone who is, or has been unfortunate enough to be suffering with continual anxiety knows all about fear. Feelings of impending doom are present most of the time.… Read more

    Tourmaline for Anxiety