When you are feeling lost and you have no motivation, please don’t succumb to it. We all feel like this at times and it’s what makes us human. It’s OK to feel lost, it’s what you do about it that counts!
Hopefully, my experience below may provide you with some inspiration on what to try. If you would like my help, please get in touch.

Feeling Lost
Over the past few days, I’ve found myself wanting to withdraw inwards due to having no drive or motivation. I wouldn’t say that I’m feeling depressed or down. My desire is strong to be on my own so that I can think clearly, but I’m struggling to do that, both physically and mentally.
Brain Fog
This feeling is underlying my failure in completing my daily self-care routine, which is unlike me.
I get lots of healing from my self-care, so I’ve been pushing onwards with it. Unfortunately, I’m not sustaining any good feelings and I describe this lost feeling as ‘brain fog‘, which is clouding my mood and judgement. It feels like a heavy, muddy feeling in between my brows where my third eye chakra is located. I’m assuming that it’s probably blocked or out of alignment.
Using your intuition
My intuition or my inner voice was telling me to visit my happy place for answers. Subsequently, I followed up with a meditation. It was during this meditation that I obtained some clarity over my situation. In addition, I came to the conclusion that my third eye chakra isn’t blocked. I happily spent some time alone clearly visualising one of my most amazing meditations to date. It felt like I was experiencing an outer body experience.
Meditate on Feeling Lost
During my meditation, I was looking down at myself and I could see that although I was standing still, I was meditating. The sea breeze was gently swaying my hair, and I could feel the last of the sun’s rays upon my face as it set upon the watery horizon.
Root Chakra Meditation
I had never seen the sun looking this red before.
It was glowing so beautifully and it lit a path of shimmering red upon the sea that travelled right up to me. As I looked down at my face, it was glowing red. Everything was red about me and I felt so calm, and at peace.
I then looked up and straight into the eye of a seagull. The next minute I found myself flying across the land, swishing and swooping, and feeling at one with the Universe. It was amazing however, what am I learning from it?
Analysing the symbols
Each time I meditate, I journal about it so that I can easily reflect. I make a record of the symbols that stand out and figure out what they could mean. It’s similar to recording and analysing your dreams. Our subconscious speaks to our conscious mind using metaphors.
The red sun and seeing myself standing there, rooted to the ground symbolises the need for me to work on my root chakra. While watching myself do this in my happy place, my self-healing work had already begun. This is why I felt so at peace and one with the Universe following my meditation.
The outer body experience and flying refers to my spirit and I’m interpreting it as flying free from my self-imposed chains. There’s nobody else making me feel lost. It’s the way I’m managing my current situation.
Current Turmoil
As I write this, I’m dealing with a major situation in my personal life, which is causing me some angst.
My emotions are certainly running high due to the unspeakable trauma that’s taken place. It’s also led to my daughter and granddaughter moving in with me, and Mark.
Control of my emotions is paramount right now. I’m feeling the pressure of a mother to make everything alright. As a mother, I feel that I should be able to do this, but I know that it’s out of my control. I cannot control outside influences and I have to leave it to third parties and hope that justice will be done. Unfortunately, I’m struggling!
I can only control my emotions and how I react. I also know that everyone is looking to me to support them, but I’m hurting inside. I’m unbelievably hurting too!
Strengthen your foundation when feeling lost

My happy place meditation has shown me that I need to have a solid foundation.
When I was watching myself standing there meditating, I was rooted to the ground. It’s so important for me to be grounded right now and take on Mother Earth’s healing energy.
If your house was built on a weak foundation, one wrong move would send it all crashing down. This is the same with your root chakra energy. It’s the very seat of your foundation. Therefore, working on my root chakra will ensure the Universal healing energy is running through me correctly.
A balanced root chakra will provide drive, motivation, energy, courage, passion, and strength. These are the qualities that I was missing until my meditation work.
How do you balance your chakras?
There are several methods to help balance your chakras and meditating is just one of them. You also should be aware that all of your chakras should be balanced. My earlier session of meditation helped me to figure out where to start.
A subsequent meditation the following day saw me hugging a tree. Furthermore, this tree is real and is in the graveyard of my ancestors. I’m always drawn to it and this is before I realised that my ancestors headstone is within reach of its roots. Has the tree been nourished by their bodies?
Gosh, I hope you don’t find this a tad morbid, but our root chakra connects us to the Earth and our ancestors. The more I meditate, the more I’m figuring out things that I will write about when I understand them more. Consequently, meditating is similar to going on an adventure.
Crystals can help balance the flow of healing energy through your chakras and we sell lots of them at Gemstone and Tarot. Choose red, black, grey or brown crystals and go with your intuition. Simply ground your energy and during meditation, focus on your crystal. Meditating with crystals will provide you with further information.
Reiki, intention, and affirmations are other methods that will help you with balancing your chakra energy.
Find the positive and focus on that!
For now, whatever traumatic situation or turmoil that you’re currently dealing with, please try hard to find the positive aspect. I know that this is a difficult thing to do, but believing that you can do this and doing it, will bring you relief!
Don’t give in and dwell on how bad it is!
It’s ten times easier succumbing to the pain and grief caused by negative thinking. Without a shadow of a doubt, you should feel your emotions. The problem arises when we choose to continually hold ourselves to the pain, or burying our feelings.
Please, focus all your attention onto something positive that you have learned about yourself since the trauma. It’s there if you dig deep enough, and you want to find it. Find it and hold on to it. Feel that positive energy every day and more positive situations will come your way.
The law of vibration is continually attracting everything to you that’s on a similar frequency. Therefore, it pays to be as positive as we can be. Don’t get me wrong, it’s absolutely impossible to be feeling positive ALL the time. However, when bad times come, we can deal with them in a more productive manner.
You can do it!
If you would like my professional help please do get in touch!